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Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2005 Interpreter, Strategy & State |
© 2005 All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated March 16, 2005 |
CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2005
Doc 13 Interpreter, Strategy & State
Who defines the state transitions?
Creating and Destroying State Objects
Changing the Context Class for Real
Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent (http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml) license defines the copyright on this document.
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 2 |
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, 1995, pp. 243-256, 315-324, 305-314
The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, Alpert, Brown, Woolf, 1998, pp. 261-272, 339-354, 327-338
Refactoring to Patterns, Kerievsky, 2005, 129-143, 166-177, 269-284
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 3 |
Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language
Given a language defined by a simple grammar with rules like:
R ::= R1 R2 ... Rn
you create a class for each rule
The classes can be used to construct a tree that represents elements of the language
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 4 |
BooleanExpression ::=
Variable |
Constant |
Or |
And |
Not |
And ::= BooleanExpression ‘and’ BooleanExpression
Or ::= BooleanExpression ‘or’ BooleanExpression
Not ::= ‘not’ BooleanExpression
Constant ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
Variable ::= String
public interface BooleanExpression{
public boolean evaluate( Context values );
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement );
public Object clone();
public String toString();
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 5 |
Sample Use
public class Test {
public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
BooleanExpression left =
new Or( Constant.getTrue(), Variable.get( "x" ) );
BooleanExpression right =
new And( Variable.get( "w" ), Variable.get( "x" ) );
BooleanExpression all = new And( left, right );
System.out.println( all );
Context values = new Context();
values.setValue( "x", true );
values.setValue( "w", false );
System.out.println( all.evaluate( values ) );
System.out.println( all.replace( "x", right ) );
((true or x) and (w and x))
((true or (w and x)) and (w and (w and x)))
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 6 |
And ::= BooleanExpression ‘&&’ BooleanExpression
public class And implements BooleanExpression {
private BooleanExpression leftOperand;
private BooleanExpression rightOperand;
public And( BooleanExpression leftOperand,
BooleanExpression rightOperand) {
this.leftOperand = leftOperand;
this.rightOperand = rightOperand;
public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
return leftOperand.evaluate( values ) &&
rightOperand.evaluate( values );
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement ) {
return new And( leftOperand.replace( varName, replacement),
rightOperand.replace( varName, replacement) );
public Object clone() {
return new And( (BooleanExpression) leftOperand.clone( ),
(BooleanExpression)rightOperand.clone( ) );
public String toString(){
return "(" + leftOperand.toString() + " and " +
rightOperand.toString() + ")";
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 7 |
Or ::= BooleanExpression ‘or’ BooleanExpression
public class Or implements BooleanExpression {
private BooleanExpression leftOperand;
private BooleanExpression rightOperand;
public Or( BooleanExpression leftOperand,
BooleanExpression rightOperand) {
this.leftOperand = leftOperand;
this.rightOperand = rightOperand;
public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
return leftOperand.evaluate( values ) ||
rightOperand.evaluate( values );
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement ) {
return new Or( leftOperand.replace( varName, replacement),
rightOperand.replace( varName, replacement) );
public Object clone() {
return new Or( (BooleanExpression) leftOperand.clone( ),
(BooleanExpression)rightOperand.clone( ) );
public String toString() {
return "(" + leftOperand.toString() + " or " +
rightOperand.toString() + ")";
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 8 |
Not ::= ‘not’ BooleanExpression
public class Not implements BooleanExpression {
private BooleanExpression operand;
public Not( BooleanExpression operand) {
this.operand = operand;
public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
return ! operand.evaluate( values );
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement ) {
return new Not( operand.replace( varName, replacement) );
public Object clone() {
return new Not( (BooleanExpression) operand.clone( ) );
public String toString() {
return "( not " + operand.toString() + ")";
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 9 |
Constant ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
public class Constant implements BooleanExpression {
private boolean value;
private static Constant True = new Constant( true );
private static Constant False = new Constant( false );
public static Constant getTrue() {
return True;
public static Constant getFalse(){
return False;
private Constant( boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
return value;
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement ) {
return this;
public Object clone() {
return this;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf( value );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 10 |
Variable ::= String
public class Variable implements BooleanExpression {
private static Hashtable flyWeights = new Hashtable();
private String name;
public static Variable get( String name ) {
if ( ! flyWeights.contains( name ))
flyWeights.put( name , new Variable( name ));
return (Variable) flyWeights.get( name );
private Variable( String name ) {
this.name = name;
public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
return values.getValue( name );
public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
BooleanExpression replacement ) {
if ( varName.equals( name ) )
return (BooleanExpression) replacement.clone();
return this;
public Object clone() {
return this;
public String toString() { return name; }
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 11 |
public class Context {
Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
public boolean getValue( String variableName ) {
Boolean wrappedValue = (Boolean) values.get( variableName );
return wrappedValue.booleanValue();
public void setValue( String variableName, boolean value ) {
values.put( variableName, new Boolean( value ) );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 12 |
It's easy to change and extend the grammar
Implementing the grammar is easy
Complex grammars are hard to maintain
Adding new ways to interpret expressions
The visitor pattern is useful here
Complicates design when a language is simple
Supports combinations of elements better than implicit language
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 13 |
The pattern does not talk about parsing!
If terminal symbols are repeated many times using the Flyweight pattern can reduce space usage
The above example has each terminal class manage the flyweights for its objects, since Java does limited support for protecting constructors
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 14 |
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable
Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 15 |
Java Layout Managers for Windows
Java Comparators
Smalltalk sort blocks
Java Layout Managers
import java.awt.*;
class FlowExample extends Frame {
public FlowExample( int width, int height ) {
setTitle( "Flow Example" );
setSize( width, height );
setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT) );
for ( int label = 1; label < 10; label++ )
add( new Button( String.valueOf( label ) ) );
public static void main( String args[] ) {
new FlowExample( 175, 100 );
new FlowExample( 175, 100 );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 16 |
Why Not use Inheritance?
But there are:
20 different Layout classes
At least 39 subclasses of Component using layouts
So using inheritance would require 780 classes!
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 17 |
Java Comparators
import java.util. Comparator;
import java.util.*;
class Student {
String name;
public Student( String newName) { name = newName;}
public String toString() { return name; }
final class StudentNameComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare( Object leftOp, Object rightOp ) {
String leftName = ((Student) leftOp).name;
String rightName = ((Student) rightOp).name;
return leftName.compareTo( rightName );
public boolean equals( Object comparator ) {
return comparator instanceof StudentNameComparator;
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Student[] cs596 = { new Student( "Li" ), new Student( "Swen" ),
new Student( "Chan" ) };
//Sort the array
Arrays.sort( cs596, new StudentNameComparator() );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 18 |
Smalltalk SortBlocks
| list |
list := #( 1 6 2 3 9 5 ) asSortedCollection.
print: list;
list sortBlock: [:x :y | x > y].
print: list;
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 19 |
Why Not use Inheritance
There are arbitrarily many ways to sort
So get arbitrarily many
Subclasses of SortedCollection or
Comparator classes (blocks)
But with comparators (blocks) one can:
Combine different comparators
Sort the same list with different comparators
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 20 |
Use the Strategy pattern when
You need different variants of an algorithm
An algorithm uses data that clients shouldn't know about
A class defines many behaviors, and these appear as multiple switch statement in the classes operations
Many related classes differ only in their behavior
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 21 |
Families of related algorithms
Alternative to subclassing of Context
What is the big deal? You still subclass Strategy!
Eliminates conditional statements
Replace in Context code like:
switch ( flag ) {
case A: doA(); break;
case B: doB(); break;
case C: doC(); break;
With code like:
Gives a choice of implementations
Clients must be aware of different Strategies
SortedList studentRecords = new SortedList(new ShellSort());
Communication overhead between Strategy and Context
Increase number of objects
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 22 |
Defining the Strategy and Context interfaces
How does data flow between them
Context pass data to Strategy
Strategy has point to Context, gets data from Context
In Java use inner classes
Strategies as template parameters
Can be used if Strategy can be selected at compile-time and does not change at runtime
SortedList<ShellSort> studentRecords;
Making Strategy objects optional
Give Context default behavior
If default used no need to create Strategy object
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 23 |
Simple Post Office Protocol
SPOP is used to download e-mail from a server
SPOP supports the following command:
USER <username>
PASS <password>
RETR <message number>
USER & PASS Commands
USER with a username must come first
PASS with a password or QUIT must come after USER
If the username and password are valid, then the user can use other commands
LIST Command
Arguments: a message-number (optional)
If it contains an optional message number then returns the size of that message
Otherwise return size of all mail messages in the mailbox
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 24 |
RETR Command
Arguments: a message-number
Returns: the mail message indicated by the number
QUIT Command
Arguments: none
Updates mail box to reflect transactions taken during the transaction state, then logs user out
If session ends by any method except the QUIT command, the updates are not done
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 25 |
The Switch Statement
class SPop
static final int HAVE_USER_NAME = 2;
static final int START = 3;
static final int AUTHORIZED = 4;
private int state = START;
String userName;
String password;
public void user( String userName ) {
switch (state) {
case START: {
this.userName = userName;
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 26 |
Implementation with Switch Statement Cont.
public void pass( String password )
switch (state)
case START: {
this.password = password;
if ( validateUser() )
else {
userName = null;
password = null;
state = START;
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 27 |
Using Polymorphism Implementation
class SPop {
private SPopState state = new Start();
public void user( String userName ) {
state = state.user( userName );
public void pass( String password ) {
state = state.pass( password );
public void list( int messageNumber ) {
state = state.list( massageNumber );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 28 |
Defines default behavior
abstract class SPopState {
public SPopState user( String userName ) {
return goToStartState();
public SPopState pass( String password ) {
return goToStartState();
public SPopState list( int massageNumber ) {
return goToStartState();
public SPopState retr( int massageNumber ) {
return goToStartState();
public SPopState quit( ) {
return goToStartState();
protected SPopState goToStartState() {
return new StartState();
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 29 |
SpopStates - Continued
class Start extends SPopState {
public SPopState user( String userName ) {
return new HaveUserName( userName );
class HaveUserName extends SPopState {
String userName;
public HaveUserName( String userName ) {
this.userName = userName;
public SPopState pass( String password ) {
if ( validateUser( userName, password )
return new Authorized( userName );
return goToStartState();
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 30 |
Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change it class.
Use the State pattern in either of the following cases:
An object's behavior depends on its state, and it must change its behavior at run-time depending on that state.
Operations have large, multipart conditional statements that depend on the object's state. Often, several operations will contain this same conditional structure.
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In Example:
SPop is the Context
SPopState is the abstract State
Start, HaveUserName are ConcreteStates
All the state & all real behavior is in SPopState & subclasses
This is an extreme example
In general the Context will have data & methods
Besides State & State methods
This data will not change states
That is only some aspects of the Context will alter its behavior
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 32 |
Who defines the state transitions?
The Context
If the states will be used in different state machines with different transitions
If the criteria changing states is fixed
class SPop
private SPopState state = new Start();
public void user( String userName )
state.user( userName );
state = new HaveUserName( userName );
public void pass( String password )
if ( state.pass( password ) )
state = new Authorized( );
state = new Start();
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 33 |
Who defines the state transitions?
The State
More flexible to let State subclasses specify the next state
class SPop
private SPopState state = new Start();
public void user( String userName )
state = state.user( userName );
public void pass( String password )
state = state.pass( password );
public void list( int messageNumber )
state = state.list( massageNumber );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 34 |
Multiple contexts (SPops) can use the same state object if the state object has no instance variables
A state object can have no instance variables if:
The object has no need for instance variables or
The object stores its instance variables elsewhere
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 35 |
Storing Instance Variables Elsewhere
Variant 1
SPop stores them and passes them to states
class SPop
private SPopState state = new Start();
String userName;
String password;
public void user( String newName )
this.userName = newName;
state.user( newName );
public void pass( String password )
state.pass( userName , password );
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 36 |
Storing Instance Variables Elsewhere
Variant 2
SPop stores them and states get data from SPop
class SPop {
private SPopState state = new Start();
String userName;
String password;
public String userName() { return userName; }
public String password() { return password; }
public void user( String newName ) {
this.userName = newName ;
state.user( this );
class HaveUserName extends SPopState {
public SPopState pass( SPop mailServer ) {
String useName = mailServer.userName();
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 37 |
Creating and Destroying State Objects
Create state object when needed, destroy it when it is no longer needed
Create states once, never destroy them (singleton)
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 38 |
Changing the Context Class for Real
Some languages allow an object to change its class
CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)
Cincom's VisualWorks Smalltalk
| context |
context := Start new.
context changeClassTo: HaveUserName.
context changeClassTo: Authorized.
So why not forget State pattern and use:
In VisualWorks Smalltalk
Problems arise if ConcreteStates have fields
In CLOS the State pattern may not be needed
CS635 Spring 2005 | Doc 13, Interpreter, Strategy & State Slide # 39 |
It localize state-specific behavior and partitions for different states
It makes state transitions explicit
State objects can be shared
Complicates a design when state-changing logic is already easy to follow
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How to tell the difference
Rate of Change
Context object usually contains one of several possible ConcreteStrategy objects
Context object often changes its ConcreteState object over its lifetime
Exposure of Change
All ConcreteStrategies do the same thing, but differently
Clients do not see any difference in behavior in the Context
ConcreteState act differently
Clients see different behavior in the Context
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.