SDSU CS 662: Theory of Parallel Algorithms
Spring Semester 1995

San Diego State University -- This page last updated January 29, 1995

  1. Introduction
    1. What is Parallelism in Computers?
    2. Common Terms for Parallelism
    3. Parallel Programming
    4. Parallel Machines
      1. Type and number of processors
      2. Processor interconnections
      3. Global Control
      4. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Operation
    5. Parallel Algorithms-Models of Computation
      1. PRAM
      2. Metrics


What is Parallelism in Computers?

Parallelism is a digital computer performing more than one task at the same time


IO chips

Most computers contain special circuits for IO devices which allow some task to be performed in parallel

Pipelining of Instructions

Some cpu's pipeline the execution of instructions

Multiple Arithmetic units (AU)

Some CPUs contain multiple AU so it can perform more than one arithmetic operation at the same time

We are interested in parallelism involving more than multiple CPUs

Common Terms for Parallelism

Concurrent Processing

A program is divided into multiple processes which are run on a single processor
The processes are time sliced on the single processor

Distributed Processing

A program is divided into multiple processes which are run on multiple distinct machines
The multiple machines are usual connected by a LAN
Machines used typically are workstations running multiple programs

Parallel Processing

A program is divided into multiple processes which are run on multiple processors
The processors normally:

Some Timing Results
Time to send 100 integers between 2 processes
Concurrent: on Saturn                .029 milliseconds  
Distributed:  Saturn & Rohan      20.0 milliseconds  
Distributed:  Saturn & East Coast 41.4 milliseconds  

Intel Paragon Message Passing Time
                                             Old                New                             
Latency                                  100 microsec           40 microsec                     
Throughput                               30MByte/sec            200MByte/sec                    

Parallel Programming

Issues in parallel programming not found in sequential programming

Breaking down the problem into smaller tasks (processes) than can be run in parallel
Allocating the parallel tasks to different processors
Sequencing the tasks in the proper order
Efficiently use the processors

The goal is to reduce the cost of communication between processors. Task decomposition and allocation affect communication costs
Some processes must wait at predetermined points for results from other processes.
Performance Issues
Using more nodes should
allow a job to run faster
allow a larger job to run in the same time

All nodes should have the same amount of work
Avoid having nodes idle while others are computing

Communication bottlenecks
Nodes spend too much time passing messages
Too many messages are traveling on the same path

Serial bottlenecks
Message passing is slower than computation
Maximize computation per message
Avoid making nodes wait for messages
L = latency time to start a message
Tr = transmission time per byte of information
N = number of bytes in message
Time = time to send message
Time = L + N*Tr

Values for Paragon
                Old                        New                             
L               100 microseconds          40 microseconds                 
Tr              30 MBytes/sec             200 MBytes/sec                  

Parallel Machines

Parameters used to describe or classify parallel computers:

Type and number of processors

The Extremes

Massively parallel

Computer systems with thousands of processors
Parallel Supercomputers
CM-5, Intel Paragon

Coarse-grained parallelism

Few (~10) processor, usually high powered in system
Starting to be common in Unix workstations

Processor interconnections

Parallel computers may be loosely divided into two groups:

Shared Memory (or Multiprocessor)
Message Passing (or Multicomputers)
Shared Memory or Multiprocessor

Individual processors have access to a common shared memory module(s)


Alliant, Cray series, some Sun workstations


Easy to build and program
Limited to a small number of processors
20 - 30 for Bus based multiprocessor

Bus Based Multiprocessor

Processor-Memory Interconnection Network

Message Passing or Multicomputers

Individual processors local memory.

Processors communicate via a communication network


Connection Machine series (CM-2, CM-5), Intel Paragon, nCube, Transputers, Cosmic Cube


Can scale to thousands of processors

Mesh Communication Network

Intel Paragon is a mesh machine

Global Control


SISD - Single Instruction Single Data

Sequential Computer

MISD - Multiple Instruction Single Data

Each processor can do different things to the same input
Example: Detect shapes in an image.
Each processor searches for a different shape in the input image

Global Control

SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data

Each processor does the same thing to different data
Requires global synchronization mechanism
Each processor knows its id number
Not all shared memory computers are SIMD

Example: Adding two arrays A and B.
in Parallel do: K
Read A[K] and B[K]
Write A[K] + B[K] in C[K]

Global Control

MIMD -Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

Each processor can run different programs on different data
MIMD can be shared memory or message passing
Can simulate SIMD or SISD if there is global synchronization mechanism
Communication is the main issue
Harder to program than SIMD

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Operation

Does the computer have a common global clock to synchronize the operation of the different processors

Shared memory and message passing computers can be synchronous

Parallel Algorithms-Models of Computation


Parallel Random-Access Machine

Most commonly used model for expressing parallel algorithms

Each processor may have local memory to store local results

Model is MIMD, but algorithms tend to be SIMD
Each active processor executes same instruction

Exclusive Read Exclusive Write (EREW) - no simultaneous access to a single shared-memory location
Concurrent Read Exclusive Write (CREW) - simultaneous reads of a single shared-memory location are allowed
Concurrent Read Concurrent Write (CRCW) - simultaneous reads and writes are allowed on a single shared-memory location are allowed

Handling concurrent writes
Common CRCW PRAM allows concurrent writes only when all processors are writing the same value
Arbitrary CRCW PRAM allows an arbitrary processor to succeed at writing to the memory location
Priority CRCW PRAM allows the processor with minimum index to succeed


read(X, Y) copy X from shared memory to local memory Y

write(U, V) copy U from local memory to local memory V

Testing Primeness - CRCW
All Processors must write the same value


x an integer in shared memory
k = processor id in local memory


Result in shared memory

for k = 1 to n do in parallel 
	write(1, Result)
	read(x, test)
	if (k divides test) then write(0, Result)
end for

Broadcasting - EREW


D - an item in shared memory to be broadcast to all processors
A[n] - an array in shared memory
n - number of processors
k = processor id


Processors will have copy of D in local memory

if k = 1 then
	read(D, d)
	write(d, A[1])
end if

for j = 0 to log(n) - 1 do
	for k = 2j + 1 to 2j+1 do in parallel 
		read(A[k - 2j], d)
		write(d, A[k])
	end for
end for

Time complexity is [[Theta]](log(N))


Some definitions:

We should define O(g) as

and write

instead of

Review of Complexity

Counting operations - Unit cost model

Functions verses orders of magnitude

Common orders of magnitude

Counting operations and communication costs

Upper bounds, lower bounds

Worst case, average case

Important Measures

time required by best sequential algorithm to solve a problem of size N          
time required by parallel algorithm using p
 processors to solve a problem of size N 

 speedup of the parallel algorithm             
efficiency of the parallel algorithm                         
cost of the parallel algorithm    

 = the number of total operations done by the parallel algorithm  

Example of Measures

Adding N integers with P processors

A[1..N] is array in shared memory holding values to add

Algorithm 1 P = N/2, N is a power of 2

J = N/2
while J >= 1 do
	for K = 1 to J do in Parallel
		Processor K: A[K] = A[2K-1]+A[2K]
	end for
	J = J/2
end while

Algorithm 2

for I = 1 to P do in Parallel
	Processor I: A[I] = A[{(I-1)*N/P}+1] + 
						A[{(I-1)*N/P}+2] + ... +
end for

J = N/2
while J >= 1 do
	for K = 1 to J do in Parallel
		Processor K: A[K] = A[2K-1]+A[2K]
	end for
	J = J/2
end while