SDSU CS 662 Theory of Parallel Algorithms
Networks part 2

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated April 16, 1996

Contents of Networks part 2 Lecture

    1. Embedding Networks
      1. Embedding a Linear Array onto a Hypercube
      2. Embedding a Mesh into a Hypercube
      3. Hypercube and Binary Search Trees
    2. Butterfly Network

Broadcast on Hypercube
for Id = 0 to  do in parallel

	for stage = 0 to d do
		partner := Id XOR 

		if haveMessage is true then send message to partner

		if partnerMessageQueue is not empty then read message

	end for

end for

Scan on Hypercube

Assume each processor starts with a value stored in myNumber
for Id = 0 to  do in parallel

	result := myNumber
	message := result

	for stage = 0 to d do
		partner := Id XOR 

		send message to partner
		receive number from partner

		message := message + number
		if ( partner < Id ) then result := result + number

	end for

end for

Embedding Networks

Let G( V, E) and G'( V', E' ) be graphs
V, V' are set of vertices
E, E' are set of edges

A map H: G -> G' is an embedding if:
each vertex in V is mapped to a vertex in V'
and each edge in E is mapped to one or more edges in E'

Maximum number of edges of E mapped on to any edge in E'

Maximum number of edges of E' that any one edge of E is mapped onto
That is how much we stretch an edge of E

|V' |/| V|

Maximum number of vertices of E that are mapped to a single vertex of E'

Embedding a Linear Array onto a Hypercube

Embed a linear array of processors into d-dimensional Hypercube

1. Label the processors of the linear array in order from 0 to -1

2. Map linear array processor K to processor H( i, d) where:
H( 0, 1 ) = 0
H( 1, 1 ) = 1

The sequence generated by the H's is a Gray code

Gray Codes - The Easy Way

1-bit code is 0 then 1

To get x-bit code:
copy (x-1)-bit code, call it A
repeat the (x-1)-bit code in reverse order, call it B
add a 0 bit in front of the elements of A
add a 1 bit in front of the elements of B

Sample Embedding


Embedding a Mesh into a Hypercube

A mesh can be embedded into a s+r dimensional hypercube with dilation and congestion 1


1. Label the mesh using 2 dimensional coordinates

2. Produce gray code for each dimension
NumberGray Code
NumberGray Code

3. Concatenate gray codes to produce gray code for tuples
4. Gray code indicates the processor in the Hypercube the mesh processor will be mapped onto
TupleGray Code
(0,0)0 00
(0,1)0 01
(0,2)0 11
(0,3)0 10
(1,0)1 00
(1,1)1 01
(1,2)1 11
(1,3)1 10
A mesh can be embedded into a -dimensional hypercube with dilation and congestion 1

Hypercube and Binary Search Trees

A complete binary search tree is a binary search tree such that:
All internal nodes have two children, with one possible exception
All leaves occur on at most two different, but consecutive, levels
If a level contains leaves and internal nodes, the internal nodes must be to the left of all leaves, internal nodes with two children must be to the left of internal nodes with one child

A complete binary search tree with nodes can not be embedded into a r-dimensional hypercube with dilation and congestion 1 when r > 2

Assume you can and the root of the tree is mapped to node 0 in the hypercube
Label the nodes in the hypercube either even or odd, depending on the sum of the bits of the processor number
There will be odd nodes and even nodes
Label the nodes in the tree even or odd, depending on which type of node it is mapped to in the hypercube
All nodes on the same level will have the same label
A complete binary search tree with nodes has leaves

Back to proof of theorem

Let X be the polarity (odd or even )of the lowest level

If there are more than 2 levels, there will be at least +1 nodes of polarity X

But an r-dimensional hypercube does not have +1 nodes of the same polarity

Butterfly Network

The r-dimensional butterfly has nodes and edges

Processors (nodes) are labeled as (w, i ) where:
i denotes the level or dimension of the processor
0 <= i <= r
w is an r-bit binary number that denotes the row of the processor

Two processors (w, i ) and (w', i' ) are connected if and only if
i' = i + 1 and either
w = w' ( straight edge )
w and w' differ in the i'th bit ( cross edge )

Three-Dimensional Butterfly

Butterfly and Hypercube

The hypercube is a folded up butterfly

The k'th row of the butterfly corresponds to the k'th processor in the hypercube

The k'th dimensional edge (u, v) of the hypercube corresponds to the cross edges (<u, k-1>, <v,k>) and (<v,k-1>, <u,k>)