SDSU CS 662 Theory of Parallel Algorithms
Numerical Methods part 2

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated April 30, 1996

Contents of Numerical Methods part 2 Lecture

    1. Linear Equations

Matrix Matrix Multiplication and Scan

Let A and B be a n*n matrices

Compute C = A*B

We have

Scan can compute in log(n) time using n/2 processors

Since there are elements of C

Scan takes log(n) time with processors to compute C

Let A, B, and C be a n*n matrices such that
C = A*B

Let be (n/2)*(n/2) matrices such that


Strassen's Method

Let A, B, and C be a 2*2 matrices such that
C = A*B
, , and
Define the sums and products:

Then we have:

Using 7 multiplications and 15 additions

On n*n matrices the above method take O( ) operations

Linear Equations

Solving a system of linear equations like:

can be reduced to solving Ax = b for x where:

Gauss-Jordan Method
for j = 1 to n do
	for h = 1 to n do 
		for k = j to n + 1 do
			if (h != j) then 
		end for
	end for
end for

for j = 1 to n do
end for
Gauss-Jordan Method - SIMD
for j = 1 to n do
	for h = 1 to n do in parallel
		for k = j to n + 1 do in parallel
			if (h != j) then 
		end for
	end for
end for

for j = 1 to n do in parallel
end for

T(n) = O(n)
P(n) = O( )
Another Approach

If Ax = b then x =

So just compute

Special Case



We have:
3) if A = BC then

So how long does it take to compute ?

Note that A(BC) = (AB)C when A, B, C are n*n matrices

So we can use generalized scan operator with matrix multiplication

Sequential matrix multiplication takes

So with n processors we can compute in log(n) time

But using a scan within a scan to perform all matrix multiplications we can compute in time using processors

Theorem. L. Csanky 1976
The A be a nonsingular n*n matrix. Then can be computed in parallel using processors in time.

Uses some cool math to do some fancy stuff
Details available on demand
Method is not practical due to number of processors required and numerical problems

It is an open problem if time is best possible for computing inverse of an n*n matrix

It is an open problem if time is best possible for triangular matrices
x = General Case

Let where are n/2*n/2 matrices

We get:


Compute and recursively

This requires O( ) sequential time, where 2 < x < 2.5