SDSU CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Java Distributed Computing
Spring Semester, 1999
Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases
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© 1999, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 25-Mar-99

Contents of Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases


Jan Newmarch’s Jini Tutorial at:

Jini API, Local on-line version at:

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 2
Jini Services

Some topics we need to cover:

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 3

Server & Proxies

Note the presentation of Server Proxies follows very closely to the Simple example in Jan Newmarch’s Jini Tutorial at: The server provides a different service in this example. A few other details relating to RMI usage and registration are also changed. It is instructive to look at both examples.

In designing a Jini service there are several different strategies:

When the client contacts the lookup service the code that provides the actual service is downloaded to the client. Think of this as an applet version without a browser. While this may not be a common solution, it might make sense in some situations.

When the client contacts the lookup a proxy to the server is downloaded to the client. We will look at two different ways of doing this: using an RMI proxy or building our own proxy. We have seen using an RMI proxy in other examples. Building our own proxy will be covered in a later document.

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 4

Client-side Server

Will use an encryption server as an example

The classes:
Interface that DirectEncryptionServer implements and the client uses to interact with the server
Does the encryption using xor. Not good encryption, but the interface allows for adding more methods of encrypting.
Uses the server
Registers the server using unicast join

The Example Classes


package whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy;
public interface EncryptionInterface
   public String[] encodeTypes();
   public String encode( String encodeType, String plainText );
   public String decode( String encodeType, String encodedText);

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 5


package whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy;
public class DirectEncryptionServer 
   implements EncryptionInterface, Serializable {
   private static final String XOR = "xor";
   private byte mask;
   private String[] encodeTypes = { XOR };
   public  DirectEncryptionServer( byte aMask ) {
      mask = aMask;
   public String[] encodeTypes() {
      return encodeTypes;
   public String encode( String encodeType, String plainText ) {
      if ( encodeType.equals( XOR) )
         return  xorText( plainText );
      else // just an example. Save space by not using exception
         return "";
   public String decode( String encodeType, String encodedText) {
      if ( encodeType.equals( XOR) )
         return  xorText( encodedText );
      else // just an example. Save space by not using exception
         return "";

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 6
DirectEncryptionServer Continued

   private String xorText(String text)  {
      byte inputBytes[] = text.getBytes();
      byte[] xorBytes = new byte[inputBytes.length];
      for (int k = 0; k < inputBytes.length;k++)
         xorBytes[k ] =(byte) (inputBytes[k] ^ mask);
      return new String(xorBytes);

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 7


package whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceTemplate; 
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar; 
import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;    
import net.jini.lookup.entry.Name; 
import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
public class DirectEncryptionClient{
   public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
      System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());
      LookupLocator lookup = new LookupLocator ("jini://");
      ServiceRegistrar registrar = lookup.getRegistrar ();
      Entry[] serverAttributes = new Entry[1];
      serverAttributes[0] = new Name ("EncryptionService");
      ServiceTemplate template = 
         new ServiceTemplate (null, null, serverAttributes);
      EncryptionInterface encoder = 
         (EncryptionInterface) registrar.lookup (template);
      String testText = "Hi Mom";
      String encodedText = encoder.encode( "xor", testText );
      String decodedText = encoder.encode( "xor", encodedText );
      System.out.println ( "Original Text: " + testText );
      System.out.println ( "Encoded Text: " + encodedText );
      System.out.println ( "Decoded Text: " + decodedText );

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 8


package whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy;
import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
import java.util.Date;
import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;    
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceID;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar; 
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistration;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.Name; 
public class RegisterEncryptionService {
   public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
      System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());
      Entry[] serverAttributes = new Entry[1];
      serverAttributes[0] = new Name ("EncryptionService");
      ServiceID serverID = null;
      DirectEncryptionServer theServer = 
         new DirectEncryptionServer((byte) 11);
      ServiceItem encryptServer =  
         new ServiceItem( serverID, theServer, serverAttributes);
      LookupLocator lookup = new LookupLocator ("jini://");
      ServiceRegistrar registrar = lookup.getRegistrar ();
      ServiceRegistration serverReg =
         registrar.register(encryptServer, 1000 * 60 );
      System.out.println ( "Server registered" );

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 9
RegisterEncryptionService Continued

      Lease serverLease = serverReg.getLease();
      LeaseRenewalManager manageLease =
         new LeaseRenewalManager( serverLease, Lease.FOREVER, null );
      serverID = serverReg.getServiceID();
      long now = (new Date()).getTime();
      long leaseDuration = (serverLease.getExpiration() - now)/1000;
      System.out.println ( "Server id: " + serverID );
      System.out.println ( "Server lease: " + serverLease );
      System.out.println ( "Lease duration in seconds " + leaseDuration );
      Thread.sleep( 1000 * 60 * 15 );
      System.out.println ( "Server going down: ");

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 10

RegisterEncryptionService Explained

Set the security manager to allow downloading of reggie code

      System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());
Prepare to register server with lookup service using unicast join

      // Entry is used described the attributes of the service
      Entry[] serverAttributes = new Entry[1];
      serverAttributes[0] = new Name ("EncryptionService");
      ServiceID serverID = null;
      // Create the server
      DirectEncryptionServer theServer = 
         new DirectEncryptionServer((byte) 11);
      // Service items contain the data needed to register the service
      ServiceItem encryptServer =  
         new ServiceItem( serverID, theServer, serverAttributes);

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 11
RegisterEncryptionService Explained Continued

Perform the unicast join
      // Find the lookup service
      LookupLocator lookup = new LookupLocator ("jini://");
      ServiceRegistrar registrar = lookup.getRegistrar ();

      // Register the server, the second arugment of register is the 
      // requested lease time
      ServiceRegistration serverReg =
         registrar.register(encryptServer, 1000 * 60 );
ServiceRegistration contains information about the registration.
Handle the lease for the server
The LeaseRenewalManager handles renewing the lease for the server with the lookup service. The LeaseRenewalManager creates a thread that handles renewal requests. The thread sends renewal requests before the lease expires. The null in the constructor takes place of a LeaseListener, which would be called when the lease can not be renewed. The Lease.FOREVER really means give the longest lease period. With a lightly loaded lookup service the longest lease is about 5 minutes.
      Lease serverLease = serverReg.getLease();
      LeaseRenewalManager manageLease =
         new LeaseRenewalManager( serverLease, Lease.FOREVER, null );
Print out some information about the lease & server registration

      serverID = serverReg.getServiceID();
      long now = (new Date()).getTime();
      long leaseDuration = (serverLease.getExpiration() - now)/1000;
      System.out.println ( "Server id: " + serverID );
      System.out.println ( "Server lease: " + serverLease );
      System.out.println ( "Lease duration in seconds " + leaseDuration );

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 12
RegisterEncryptionService Explained Continued

Keep the server object & LeaseRenewalManager alive
Since the server object has been uploaded to the lookup service, it is not really needed. If the LeaseRenewalManager is not kept alive, the server will be purged from the lookup service when the lease expires. This is just a test, so only keep the server alive for 15 minutes.

      Thread.sleep( 1000 * 60 * 15 );
Be polite and cancel the lease.
We don’t need to cancel the lease as the lookup service will cancel it when it ends and the lookup service has the server object. Clients do not contact this process. If we did not cancel the lease, a client could still download the server from the lookup service.
      System.out.println ( "Server going down: ");

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 13

DirectEncryptionClient Explained

Contact the lookup service

      LookupLocator lookup = new LookupLocator ("jini://");
      ServiceRegistrar registrar = lookup.getRegistrar ();
Request a DirectEncryptionServer object
The lookup service downloads a serialized DirectEncryptionServer object. The client needs access to the DirectEncryptionServer class to deserialize the object. The class can be downloaded dynamically at runtime via http. See the section on running the example. The client runs the DirectEncryptionServer object locally.
      Entry[] serverAttributes = new Entry[1];
      serverAttributes[0] = new Name ("EncryptionService");
      ServiceTemplate template = 
         new ServiceTemplate (null, null, serverAttributes);
      EncryptionInterface encoder = 
         (EncryptionInterface) registrar.lookup (template);

Interact with the DirectEncryptionServer object

      String testText = "Hi Mom";
      String encodedText = encoder.encode( "xor", testText );
      String decodedText = encoder.encode( "xor", encodedText );

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 14

Running the Example

Class Location

Client Machine needs:

Server Machine needs:

Lookup Service machine needs:
Does not need access to any of the example classes

HTTP server:
This class must be accessible by a web server. Since the class in the package whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy the class must be a directory structure whitney/jini/examples/serverProxy/DirectEncryptionServer.class. In this example I used the web server that comes with Jini. The following command was used to start the web server on the machine
java -jar /opt/jini1_0/lib/tools.jar -port 8880 -dir ~whitney/jini_data /jini_http_root
I placed the directory whitney//jini/examples/serverProxy in the root directory for the web server (export/home/whitney/jini_data /jini_http_root).

Doc 20, Client-side Server, Unicast Join & Leases Slide # 15
Starting the programs

Jini components
Start rmid
I used the command on a UNIX machine:
rmid &
Start reggie
I used the command on a UNIX machine:
java -jar /opt/jini1_0/lib/reggie.jar ~whitney/jini_data/policy ~whitney/jini_data/jini_logs/reggie &

Start the web server
I used the command on a UNIX machine:
java -jar /opt/jini1_0/lib/tools.jar -port 8880 -dir ~whitney/jini_data /jini_http_root

The Example Code

The codebase property must be set properly to insure that the DirectEncryptionServer class in downloaded to the client at runtime. The property can be set either on the client side or the server side. For more details see Doc 16 Dynamically Downloading Classes at: In this example I will set the property on the server side.

java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase= whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy.RegisterEncryptionService

Start the client

java whitney.jini.examples.serverProxy.DirectEncryptionClient

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
1999 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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