
Interface Summary
NumberGenerator An interface for generating a sequence of numbers.
ObjectGenerator An interface for generating a sequence of objects.

Class Summary
Bernoulli A Bernoulli distribution is defined on a sample space of two events.
BoundedRangeGenarator This class modifies sequence of numbers.
DiscreteProbability An abstract class defining an interface for probability distributions on a discrete space.
DoubleObjectGenerator Converts a sequence of numbers to a sequence of Double objects.
GeneralizedEightyTwenty The 80%-20% rule states that 80% of the programs resources are consumed by 20% of the code.
Geometric The Geometric distribution deals with Bernoulli like situations: the sample space is divided into success events and failure events.
IntegerObjectGenerator Converts a sequence of numbers to a sequence of Integer objects.
NoInverseDistribution An abstract class handling discrete probability distributions with no inverse or easly computable inverse.
OrderedNumberGenerator This class generates a sequence of numbers.
Poisson The Poisson distrubution addresses the question of how many events occur in a unit of time or space.
ProbabilityDistribution An abstract class defining an interface for probability distributions.
ShiftedRangeGenarator This class modifies a sequence of numbers.
StringGenerator Generates a sequence of random strings.
Zipf The Zipfian distribution models the frequency of the word usage in written English and the population of U.S.

Exception Summary
OutOfBoundsException Signals that a value is out of bounds.