Class ScreenLogger


public class ScreenLogger
extends SelectiveLogger

This logger directs all log messages to System.err, which normally is the terminal. As a SelectiveLogger, message types can be turned off.

1.1 18 January 1998
Roger Whitney (
See Also:
Logger, SelectiveLogger

Method Summary
static LoggerImplementation register()
          Create a ScreenLogger and register it with Logger.
Methods inherited from class sdsu.logging.SelectiveLogger
debugOff, debugOn, errorOff, errorOn, log, logOff, logOn, messageTypeOff, messageTypeOn, warningOff, warningOn
Methods inherited from class sdsu.logging.LoggerImplementation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static LoggerImplementation register()
Create a ScreenLogger and register it with Logger. Returns the current active logger. If a logger has previously been set, it will be that logger.