Interface SortedCollection

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface SortedCollection
extends OrderedCollection

A List object is a vector that can convert itself to a string and "recreate" itself from that string. The original List object can contain any objects, but the recreated List object will only contain string representations of the original elements in the list. In a List object string representation (Losr) the list elements are separated by a separatorChar, which defaults to ',', but can be changed. If the string representation of a list element contains a special character it is quoted. Special characters include separatorChar, a comment character, and white space characters. See sdsu.util.TokenCharacters for default values. White space and comments can be added to a Losr for readability. Comments start with a comment character and continue upto and include the next '\n' character.

1.0 6 June 1997
Roger Whitney (
See Also:

Method Summary
 void addElements(SortedCollection elements)
 Comparer getComparer()
          Returns the comparer object used to order list.
 void resort(Comparer newOrder)
Methods inherited from interface sdsu.util.OrderedCollection
addElement, addElement, addElement, addElements, addElements, capacity, contains, doubleAt, elementAt, elements, elementsReversed, ensureCapacity, firstElement, indexOf, indexOf, insertElementAt, intAt, isEmpty, lastElement, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf, removeAllElements, removeElement, removeElementAt, reversed, setElementAt, setSize, shuffled, size, toArray, toVector, trimToSize

Method Detail


public Comparer getComparer()
Returns the comparer object used to order list.


public void addElements(SortedCollection elements)


public void resort(Comparer newOrder)