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CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Fall Semester, 2001 Exceptions |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 06-Nov-01 |
Basic Handling of Exceptions
[ProtectedBlock] on: ExceptionList do: [:exception | HandlerBlock]
Example [1/0] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Transcript show: exception description; cr]Unlike Java, in Smalltalk zero divide by both integer and floats cause a zero divide exception to be raised
Exceptions are Classes
Exception class is the parent of all exceptions
Subclasses define specialized exceptions
Important Subclasses
Raising Exceptions
Implicitly Raised Exceptions
Exceptions can be raised by VM
12 / 0
Explicitly Raised Exceptions
Send one of following messages to an exception class
raiseSignal: aStringDescriptionOfProblem raiseSignal
Warning raiseSignal: 'This string is the signal description' false
Error raiseSignal
self error: 'A message'
Object defines a method error: that raises an exception
Default exception raised is Error
To change the exception raised by error: override the class method errorSignal
Foo class>>errorSignal ^KeyNotFoundError
Exceptions & Return Values
on:do: is a message, so returns a value
If an exception is raised the return value is:
| result | result := [10/1] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Float zero ]. ^result
| result | result := [10/0] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Float zero ]. ^result
Catching Multiple Exceptions
Use a comma or ExceptionSets
[1/0] on: Warning , ZeroDivide do: [:exception | code here]
| exceptions | exceptions := ExceptionSet with: Warning with: ZeroDivide. [1/0] on: exceptions do: [:exception | code here]
Inheritance and Exception
All subexceptions are caught by an exception in on:do:
ZeroDivide is a subclass of Error
The ZeroDivide exception will be caught in the following
[1/0] on: Error do: [:exception | Transcript show: exception description; cr]
Finding the Exception Handler
When an exception is raised
The enclosing handlers are searched
[[1/0] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'First']] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'Second']
Warning Default Action
Warning default action
Example 2
The following code:
[Warning raiseSignal: 'Hi Mom'. Transcript show: 'End'] on: Warning do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'Handler']
Notification Default Action
Notification default action
What is the Default Action for Exception X?
Look at the defaultAction method in the exception's class
Resumable Exceptions
Some exceptions are resumable
| result |
[result := 10/0.
Transcript show: result printString]
on: ZeroDivide
[:exception |
exception resume: Float zero ]
Output in Transcript 0.0
Exception Messages that exit the Handler
resume or resume:
Example - resume:
10/0 raises an exception
The handler requests resumption with value 1
The expression 10/0 returns 1
The sum becomes 1 + 5
| result | [result := 10/0 + 5. Transcript show: result printString] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | exception resume: 1 ]
Output in Transcript 6
Example - resume
10/0 raises an exception
The handler requests resumption, no value
The expression 10/0 returns nil
| result | [result := 10/0. Transcript show: result printString] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | exception resume ]
Output in Transcript nil
Example - retry
x/y raises an exception
The handler sets y := 1.
The block is reexecuted
| x y result | x := 10. y := 0. [result := x / y. Transcript show: result printString] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | y := 1. exception retry ]
Output in Transcript 10
Example - return
The following are equivalent
| result | [result := 10/0. Transcript show: result printString] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | exception return]
| result | [result := 10/0. Transcript show: result printString] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | nil]
No output in Transcript
Example - return: The following are equivalent
| result | result := [10/0] on: Error do: [:exception | Float zero ]. ^result
| result | result := [10/0] on: Error do: [:exception | exception return: Float zero ]. ^result
Some Error Handling Messages in Object
self error: 'Error message'
Clean Up or Unwind Protection
mySafeMethod | grades | grades := 'cs535Grades' asFilename. gradeIO := grades readWriteStream. Bar yourUnsafeMethod. "Change some grades here - code not shown" gradeIO close.
If yourUnsafeMethod raises an exception gradeIO is not closed
If you do not know what exception might be raised it is hard to handle it
Use ensure: or ifCurtailed:
[block] ensure: [clean up block]Ensure that the clean up block will be done
If block ends due to an exception
[[10/0] ensure: [Transcript show: 'In ensure'; cr]] on: ZeroDivide do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'In handler';cr ]
[block] ifCurtailed: [clean up block]Clean up block is done only if [block] ends abnormally
Translating Exceptions
At times you may need to rethrow an exception, but as a different exception
[low-level I/O] on: OperatingSystemException do: [ex| ex errorCode = -213 ifTrue: [ex resignalAs: EndOfFile new] ifFalse: [ex resignalAs: (Error new messageText: 'OS Error']]
Creating Your Own Exceptions
Subclass the correct existing Exception