SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2001
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 06-Nov-01

Contents of Doc 15, Exceptions

Object-Oriented Design with Smalltalk — a Pure Object Language and its Environment, Ducasse, University of Bern, Lecture notes 2000/2001,

VisualWorks Application Developer Guide, doc/vwadg.pdf in the VisualWorks installation. Chapter 10 Exception and Error Handling

VisualWorks Application Developer Guide, doc/vwadg.pdf in the VisualWorks installation. Chapter 10 Exception and Error Handling

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 2


Basic Handling of Exceptions


      on: ExceptionList
      do: [:exception | HandlerBlock]

   on: ZeroDivide
      [:exception | 
         show: exception description; 
Unlike Java, in Smalltalk zero divide by both integer and floats cause a zero divide exception to be raised

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 3
Exceptions are Classes

Exception class is the parent of all exceptions

Subclasses define specialized exceptions

Important Subclasses

A condition that prevents the normal continuation of processing
Something interesting has occurred
If it is not handled, it will pass by without effect

An unusual event the user needs to know about
Asks the user if the program should continue
A method was sent to an object that does not implement it
Important exception methods
Returns a string describing the actual exception
Executed when an exception occurs

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 4

Raising Exceptions

Implicitly Raised Exceptions

Exceptions can be raised by VM

12 / 0

Explicitly Raised Exceptions

Send one of following messages to an exception class

raiseSignal: aStringDescriptionOfProblem


Warning raiseSignal: 'This string is the signal description' false

Error raiseSignal

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 5
self error: 'A message'

Object defines a method error: that raises an exception

Default exception raised is Error

To change the exception raised by error: override the class method errorSignal

Foo class>>errorSignal

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 6
Exceptions & Return Values

on:do: is a message, so returns a value

If an exception is raised the return value is:
The return value of the handler

If an exception is not raised the return value is:
The return value of the protected block

Example - No Exception Raised

This code assigns 10 to result

| result |
result := [10/1]
   on: ZeroDivide
   do: [:exception | Float zero ].

Example - Exception Raised

This code assigns 0.0 to result

| result |
result := [10/0]
   on: ZeroDivide
   do: [:exception | Float zero ].

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 7
Catching Multiple Exceptions

Use a comma or ExceptionSets

   on: Warning , ZeroDivide
   do: [:exception | code here]

| exceptions |
exceptions := ExceptionSet with: Warning with: ZeroDivide.
   on: exceptions 
   do: [:exception | code here]

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 8

Inheritance and Exception

All subexceptions are caught by an exception in on:do:

ZeroDivide is a subclass of Error

The ZeroDivide exception will be caught in the following

   on: Error
      [:exception | 
         show: exception description; 

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 9

Finding the Exception Handler

When an exception is raised

The enclosing handlers are searched

Start with the code that raised the exception
Search the "closest" enclosing handler first
Continue searching the enclosing handers

The first handler that deals with the exception is used

If no handlers handle the exception the exception's default action is done

   on: ZeroDivide
   do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'First']]
      on: ZeroDivide
      do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'Second']

Result in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 10
Warning Default Action

Warning default action

Show dialog asking user if program should continue

Example 1

The following code:
Displays a dialog asking if user wishes to continue
Returns boolean result depending on users answer
Warning raiseSignal: 'An error occured, continue?'.

Dialog Displayed

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 11
Example 2

The following code:
Prints 'Handler' in the Transcript

[Warning raiseSignal: 'Hi Mom'.
Transcript show: 'End']
   on: Warning
   do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'Handler']

Result in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 12
Notification Default Action

Notification default action

Do nothing & continue as normal

Example 1

The following code:

Prints 'End' in the Transcript

Notification raiseSignal: 'Hi Mom'.
Transcript show: 'End'

Example 2

The following code:

Prints 'Handler' in the Transcript

[Notification raiseSignal: 'Hi Mom'.
Transcript show: 'End']
on: Exception
do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'Handler']

This example shows why you may not want to wrap your code in a general catch all handler

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 13
What is the Default Action for Exception X?

Look at the defaultAction method in the exception's class

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 14

Resumable Exceptions

Some exceptions are resumable

| result |
[result := 10/0.
Transcript show: result printString]
on: ZeroDivide
[:exception |
exception resume: Float zero ]

Output in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 15

Exception Messages that exit the Handler

resume or resume:
Continue processing the protected block, immediately following the message that triggered the exception.

return or return:
Ends processing the protected block that triggered the exception

Reevaluates the protected block
Evaluates a new block in place of the protected block

Resignal the exception as another exception

Exit the current handler and pass to the next outer handler, control does not return to the passer

as with pass, except will regain control if the outer handler resumes

resume: and return: return their argument as the return value, instead of the value of the final statement of the handler block

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 16
Example - resume:

10/0 raises an exception
The handler requests resumption with value 1
The expression 10/0 returns 1
The sum becomes 1 + 5

| result |
[result := 10/0 + 5.
Transcript show: result printString]
   on: ZeroDivide 
      [:exception |
      exception resume: 1 ]

Output in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 17
Example - resume

10/0 raises an exception
The handler requests resumption, no value
The expression 10/0 returns nil

| result |
[result := 10/0.
Transcript show: result printString]
   on: ZeroDivide 
      [:exception |
      exception resume ]

Output in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 18
Example - retry

x/y raises an exception
The handler sets y := 1.
The block is reexecuted

| x y result |
x := 10.
y := 0.
[result := x / y.
Transcript show: result printString]
   on: ZeroDivide 
      [:exception |
      y := 1.
      exception retry ]

Output in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 19
Example - return

The following are equivalent

| result |
[result := 10/0.
Transcript show: result printString]
   on: ZeroDivide 
   do: [:exception | exception return]

| result |
[result := 10/0.
Transcript show: result printString]
   on: ZeroDivide 
   do: [:exception | nil]


No output in Transcript

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 20
Example - return:

The following are equivalent

| result |
result := [10/0]
   on: Error
   do: [:exception | Float zero ].

| result |
result := [10/0]
   on: Error
   do: [:exception | exception return: Float zero ].

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 21
Some Error Handling Messages in Object

self error: 'Error message'
Raises Error exception with given message

self halt
self halt: 'Message"
Raises Halt exception.
Allows user to invoke debugger or resume

self notify: 'Notify message"
Like halt except user does not see stack history

self shouldNotImplement
Used in subclasses in inherited methods that do not belong in the subclass

self subclassResponsibility
Used in methods to declare them abstract
Indicated subclasses must implement this method

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 22

Clean Up or Unwind Protection

   | grades |
   grades := 'cs535Grades' asFilename.
   gradeIO := grades readWriteStream.
   Bar yourUnsafeMethod.
   "Change some grades here - code not shown"
   gradeIO close.

If yourUnsafeMethod raises an exception gradeIO is not closed

If you do not know what exception might be raised it is hard to handle it

Use ensure: or ifCurtailed:

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 23


   [block] ensure: [clean up block]
Ensure that the clean up block will be done

If block ends due to an exception

Execute handler for exception
Execute clean up block

You code should not depend on the order of execution of the handler and clean up block


[[10/0] ensure: [Transcript show: 'In ensure'; cr]]
   on: ZeroDivide
   do: [:exception | Transcript show: 'In handler';cr ]

Output in Transcript
In handler
In ensure

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 24


   [block] ifCurtailed: [clean up block]
Clean up block is done only if [block] ends abnormally

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 25

Translating Exceptions

At times you may need to rethrow an exception, but as a different exception

[low-level I/O]
   on: OperatingSystemException
      ex errorCode = -213
         ifTrue: [ex resignalAs: EndOfFile new]
         ifFalse: [ex resignalAs:
            (Error new messageText: 'OS Error']]

Doc 15, Exceptions Slide # 26

Creating Your Own Exceptions

Subclass the correct existing Exception
Usually Error or Notification

If you want the exception to be resumable

Make isResumable returns true

If you want non-standard default behavior

Override the method defaultAction

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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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