SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2001
Scripts and Data Files
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© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 08-Nov-01

Contents of Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files


VisualWorks Application Developer Guide, doc/vwadg.pdf in the VisualWorks installation. Chapter 20 pages 446-448

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 2

Smalltalk as Script

Compiler evaluate: aString

Compiles and executes the Smalltalk code in aString


Evaluate these in a workspace

Compiler evaluate: ' 1 + 2'.

Compiler evaluate: 'Transcript show: (1 + 2) printString'

User strings via Dialog

| userScript |
userScript := Dialog 
               request: 'Write a Smalltalk expression' 
               initialAnswer: '1 + 2'.
Compiler evaluate: userScript.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 3
Evaluating Blocks

Blocks can be created and executed

| script |
script := Compiler evaluate:  '[1 + 2]'.
script value

Embedding code in a Block

| userScript compiledCode |
userScript := Dialog 
               request: 'Write a Smalltalk expression' 
               initialAnswer: '1 + 2'.
compiledCode := Compiler evaluate: '[' , userScript , ']'.
compiledCode value

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 4

Errors in the Evaluated String

Syntax error

Syntax errors open a text window on the error

Compiler evaluate: '2;'

Runtime Errors

Runtime Errors open a debugger

Compiler evaluate: 'bar + 3'

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 5
Handling Errors

If the default action is not correct for your situation then

on:do: can be used to catch the errors

[Compiler evaluate: '2;']
   on: Notification
   do: [:error | error handling code]

[Compiler evaluate: 'foo + 2']
   on: Notification
   do: [:error | error handling code]

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 6

External Variables in the Script

There are several easy ways to provide scripts access to existing variables in a program

Using Blocks

| scriptString scriptBlockString scriptBlock |
scriptString := 'price > 10 
               ifTrue:[ ''expensive'']
               ifFalse:[ ''cheap'']'.
scriptBlockString := '[:price | ' , scriptString , ' ]'.
scriptBlock := Compiler evaluate: scriptBlockString.
scriptBlock value: 12

In the string literal assigned to scriptString, contains code that is to have a string literal ('expensive'), the inner string literals need to be quoted with two single quotes. If the script is not created from a string literal the double single quotes are not needed.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 7

Evaluates code as if it were part of an object

Used primarily for tools like debugger

Violates information hiding should be avoided

Can be used to add methods to objects

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 8

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #SampleClass
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'name '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

Instance method

name: aString
   name := aString 


| dataObject |
dataObject := SampleClass new.
dataObject name: 'sam'.
script := ' ''the name is: '' , name '.
   evaluate: script
   for: dataObject
   logged: false

Since the script is run as part of the object dataObject it can access instance variable 'name'

If the logged: parameter is true the execution of the code is recorded in the change file

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 9

Undefined Variables

Evaluate the following twice

Compiler evaluate: 'foobar'

The first time you will see in the transcript:

UndefinedObject #DoIt - foobar is undeclared
The second time this message will not appear.

What is going on?

When running code runs across an undefined variable it is stored in Undeclared. So the second time foobar already exists in Undeclared.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 10
Just say no to Undeclared

To see if you have any undeclared variables run:

Undeclared inspect

The inspector allows you to check for existing references to undeclared variables

The inspector also allows you to remove variables from Undeclared that do not have any references.

Or you can run:

Undeclared purgeUnusedBindings

To see how many undeclared variables are in your image run:

Undeclared size

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 11

Some Simple Data Storage

Delimited Files

How to read data delineated by a special character


Let the file 'names' contain the following text:


The following will read each name and put it into an ordered collection

| dataFile stream names readingBlock |
dataFile := 'names' asFilename.
stream := dataFile readStream.
separator := $;.
names := OrderedCollection new.
readingBlock := [
   [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [
      names add: (stream upTo: separator)]].
readingBlock valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: [stream close].

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 12

ASCII Serialized Objects

Smalltalk will serialize objects

The serialize object

Serializing an Object

Send storeOn: to the object

storeOn: requires a writeStream as an argument

anObject storeOn: aWriteStream

Simple Example

| dataStream serializedFive  |
dataStream := WriteStream on: String new.
5 storeOn: dataStream.
serializedFive := dataStream contents

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 13
Deserializing an Object

Use the one of the following class methods of Object

readFrom: aStream
readFromString: aString

Simple Example

| dataStream serializedFive five |
dataStream := WriteStream on: String new.
5 storeOn: dataStream.
serializedFive := dataStream contents.
five := Object readFromString: serializedFive

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 14
More Complex ExampleClass Used in Example

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Student
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'name phone graduationDate '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

CS535.Student class methods
name: aString phone: aPhoneNumberString graduation: aDate 
   ^super new 
      setName: aString
      setPhone: aPhoneNumberString
      setGraduation: aDate 

CS535.Student instance methods

printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: 'Student: ';
      nextPutAll: name;
      nextPutAll: ', ' ;
      nextPutAll: phone;
      nextPutAll: ', ';
      nextPutAll: graduationDate printString 

setName: aNameString setPhone: aPhoneString setGraduation: aDate 
   name := aNameString.
   phone := aPhoneString.
   graduationDate := aDate 

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 15
Example Continued

In this example we serialize a collection of different objects

| jeff data dataStream serializedObject deserializedObject |
jeff := Student
         name: 'jeff'
         phone: '543-3445'
         graduation: Date dateAndTimeNow.
data := OrderedCollection new
         add: 1;
         add: 'cat';
         add: jeff;
dataStream := WriteStream on: String new.
data storeOn: dataStream.
serializedObject := dataStream contents.
deserializedObject := Object readFromString: serializedObject.
deserializedObject at: 3 

deserializedObject at: 3 is a Student object.

serializedObject is '((Core.OrderedCollection new) add: 1; add: ''cat''; add: (CS535.Student basicNew instVarAt: 1 put: ''jeff''; instVarAt: 2 put: ''543-3445''; instVarAt: 3 put: ((Core.Array new: 2) at: 1 put: (Core.Date readFromString: ''11/7/2001''); at: 2 put: (Core.Time readFromString: ''9:59:00 pm''); yourself); yourself); yourself)'

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 16
Changing the Shape of the Class

Changes you can make to the class and still read old objects

Changes which make old objects unreadable

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 17

Binary Object Storage System - BOSS


Loading BOSS Parcel

In the Tools menu in the launcher select the "Load Parcel Named..." menu item.

You will be asked which parcel to load, enter BOSS.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 18
After a search of all parcels you will be asked if BOSS 5i4 is the one you wish to load.

Select it and click on yes.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 19
Simple Examples of Using BOSS

| binaryFile binaryWriter binaryReader five |
binaryFile := 'binaryFile' asFilename.
binaryWriter := 
      BinaryObjectStorage onNew: (binaryFile writeStream).
binaryWriter nextPut: 5.
binaryWriter close.
binaryReader := 
      BinaryObjectStorage onOld: (binaryFile readStream).
five := binaryReader next.
binaryReader close.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 20
BinaryObjectStorage Methods

Instance Creation (Class Methods)

onNew: aWriteStream
Uses aWriteStream to write binary objects
Overwrites current contents of aWriteStream

onOld: aReadStream
Reads binary objects from aReadStream

Writing (Instance methods)

nextPut: anObject
Writes anObject in binary format onto the stream

nextPutAll: aCollection
Writes all elements of aCollection to the stream in binary format

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 21

Return the next object from the stream
Object is deserialized
Skip the next object in the stream
Return all objects in the stream from current location
Return true if at the end of the stream

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 22
Student Example

jeff := Student
         name: 'jeff'
         phone: '543-3445'
         graduation: Date dateAndTimeNow.
binaryFile := 'binaryFile' asFilename.
binaryWriter := 
   BinaryObjectStorage onNew: (binaryFile writeStream).
binaryWriter nextPut: jeff.
binaryWriter close.
binaryWriter := 
   BinaryObjectStorage onOld: (binaryFile readStream).
recovered := binaryWriter next.
binaryWriter close.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 23
Changing the Shape of a Class

Changes you can make to the class and still read old objects with no extra work

Changes you can make to the class and still read old objects with extra work

Changes which make old objects unreadable

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 24
How to handle changing the Instance Variable listExample with Student

First start with the instance variable list as:

instanceVariableNames: 'name phone graduationDate '

Now save an object:

jeff := Student
         name: 'jeff'
         phone: '543-3445'
         graduation: Date dateAndTimeNow.
binaryFile := 'binaryFile' asFilename.
binaryWriter := 
   BinaryObjectStorage onNew: (binaryFile writeStream).
binaryWriter nextPut: jeff.
binaryWriter close.

Now change the instance variable list to:

instanceVariableNames: 'name phone graduationDate foo '

If you try to read the object you will get an error

binaryWriter := 
   BinaryObjectStorage onOld: (binaryFile readStream).
recovered := binaryWriter next.
binaryWriter close.

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 25
Add the Class Method to Student

The following class method in Student will convert the old instance variable list to the new one.

After adding this to the class you will be able to read objects in the old format and the new format

binaryReaderBlockForVersion: oldVersion format: oldFormat
   oldVersion isNil
         [| inst |
         inst := self basicNew.
         ^[:oldInstanceVarList | | newList |
         newList := Array new: oldInstanceVarList size+1.
         newList at: 1 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 1).
         newList at: 2 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 2).
         newList at: 3 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 3).
         oldInstanceVarList become: newList.
         oldInstanceVarList changeClassToThatOf: inst]].
      binaryReaderBlockForVersion: oldVersion 
      format: oldFormat

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 26
How does this Work

Each class has a format number.

Student format
Returns the format of the current version of the Student class

When you serialize an object with BOSS the classes format number is stored

When reading a serialize object BOSS checks the current and old format numbers

If the formats match the default process is used to deserialize the object

If the formats do not match then


is called on the objects class

This method returns a block to perform the conversion

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 27
The Conversion Block

OldInstanceVarList is the list of the instance variable objects from the old object

^[:oldInstanceVarList | | newList |
Now put the list in the correct order for the new object.
This is the section of the code to change for your classes.
The rest of the code remains the same in the block

newList := Array new: oldInstanceVarList size+1.
newList at: 1 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 1).
newList at: 2 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 2).
newList at: 3 put: (oldInstanceVarList at: 3).
Now some magic. Transform the list into a student object

oldInstanceVarList become: newList.
oldInstanceVarList changeClassToThatOf: inst]].

Doc 16, Scripts and Data Files Slide # 28
Multiple Old Versions

If you have multiple old versions of objects that are stored you need to have a different convert block for each one.

The format: parameter is the format of the object you are converting

Use that to select the correct convert block

binaryReaderBlockForVersion: oldVersion format: oldFormat

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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