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CS 580 Client-Server Programming Fall Semester, 2002 Some Parsing & States |
© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 29-Oct-02 |
Server Structure
Servers perform a number of standard operations
Parsing & Messages
A client sends a request to a server
The server
InputStream in = aSocket.getInputStream(); Stringbuffer message = new StringBuffer(); while (some end condition) { int c = in.read(); if (c != -1) message.append( (char) c ); }Why not
PopReadStream in = new PopStream( aSocket); PopRequest clientRequest = in.read();
Request & Response Classes
Request & Response classes for your protocol:
Isolate the syntactic details of the protocol
Allow client & server to deal with higher-level structures
aResponse printString
new PopResponse( aPopMessageString ); PopResponse fromString: aPopMessageString)
High-level Streams
Create Stream classes that read/write messages not chars
So client does:
PopWriteStream out = new PopWriteStream( aSocket); PopReadStream in = new PopReadStream( aSocket); PopRequest user = PopRequest.user( “whitney”); out.write( user); PopResponse result = in.read(); If (result.isSuccess() ) { out.write( PopRequest.pass( “I forget”)); }Server does
clientIO := PopReadWriteStream on: aSocket request := clientIO next. request isPassword ifFalse: [clientIO nextPut: (PopResponse error)]
POP & Parsing POP Requests
Very regular & easy to parse
keyword blank argument 1 [ blank argument k ] CRLF
crlf := String with: Character cr with: Character lf. mesageString := inputStream upToAndSkipThroughAll: crlf. messageParts := messageString tokensBasedOn: Character cr. messageString = aBufferedReader.readline(); messageParts = messageString.split( “ “);
POP Responses
Two different formats
Status keyword additionalInfo CRLF
Status keyword additionalInfo CRLF Line1 CRLF Line2 CRLF etc LineN CRLF .CRLFHow do you know which format you are reading?
Some Servers are stateful
Each connection has different states
Some commands are only legal in some states
How to deal with states?
Finite Automata - State Machines
A better way of looking at all of this is using a picture.
Naming the states
We will use the following names for the states:
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Quit |
Implementing a State Machine: switch
int state = 0; while (true) { command = input.read(); switch (state) { case 0: if (command.isUser()) { username = command.argument(); state = 1; } else if (command.isQuit()) state = 4; else error("Illegal command: " + command); break; case 1: if (command.isPassword()) { if (valid(username, command.argument())) state = 2; else { error("Unauthorized User"); state = 3; } } else error("Unknown: " + command); break; ...
More Readable version int state = 0; while (true) { command = input.read(); switch (state) { case NO_AUTH: noAuthorizationStateHandle( command ); break; case HAVE_USER: haveUserStateHandle( command ); break; case PROCESS: processStateHandle( command ); break; case INVALID: invalidStateHandle( command ); break; case QUIT: quitStateHandle( command ); break; }
Example Continued
void noAuthorizationStateHandle(PopCommand a Command) { if (command.isUser()) { username = command.argument(); state = 1; } else if (command.isQuit()) state = 4; else error("Illegal command: " + command); }
Switch Method Analysis
Implementing a State Machine: Objects
The Basic Idea
Each method (pass, user, etc.) performs the proper action for the given state and returns the next state
SPopState is abstract state with the default behavior for each method
Server is done with client when we reach the Quit state, so I did not add methods to that state
Strawman Driver Program
class SPopServer { public void processRequest(InputStream in, OutputStream out, InetAddress clientAddress) throws IOException { SPopState currentState = new NoAuth(); do { ProtocolParser requestData = new ProtocolParser( in ); String request = requestData.getCommand(); if ( request.isPassword() ) currentState = currentState.pass( request, this); else if ( request.isUser()) currentState = currentState.user(this); etc. send response to client } while ( ! currentState instanceof Quit ); } }
SPopState Implements Default Behavior
public class SPopState { public SPopState quit( SPopServer parent) { return new Quit(); } public SPopState pass( PopCommand clientRequest, SPopServer parent) throws IllegalCommand { throw new IllegalCommand(); } public SPopState user( PopCommand clientRequest, SPopServer parent) throws IllegalCommand { throw new IllegalCommand(); } public SPopState list( PopCommand clientRequest, SPopServer parent) throws IllegalCommand { throw new IllegalCommand(); }
Subclasses Implement Correct behavior for that State
public class NoAuth extends SPopState { public SPopState user( PopCommand clientRequest, SPopServer parent) { parent.setUser( clientRequest.getArgument() ); parent.sendOKResponse(); return new HaveUser(); } } public class HaveUser extends SPopState { public SPopState pass( PopCommand clientRequest, SPopServer parent) { parent.setPassword( clientRequest.getArgument() ); if ( parent.user&PasswordValid() ) { parent.sendOKResponse(); return new Process(); } else { parent.sendErrorResponse(); return new NoAuth(); } } }
Smalltalk Example From VW 7 POP3 Client
Client has abstract state class Pop3State
Concrete states
Smalltalk.Net defineClass: #Pop3State superclass: #{Core.Object} private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' category: 'Net-Pop Rocks' Net.Pop3State methodsFor: 'commands' delete: message for: connection Pop3StateError raiseSignal list: number for: connection Pop3StateError raiseSignal pass: aConnection Pop3StateError raiseSignal quit: aConnection aConnection sendQuit retrieveMessage: number for: connection Pop3StateError raiseSignal stat: aConnection Pop3StateError raiseSignal user: aConnection Pop3StateError raiseSignal
Smalltalk.Net defineClass: #Pop3AuthorizationState superclass: #{Net.Pop3State} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Net-Pop Rocks' Net.Pop3AuthorizationState methodsFor: 'commands' pass: aConnection aConnection sendPassword user: aConnection aConnection sendUser
Smalltalk.Net defineClass: #Pop3TransactionState superclass: #{Net.Pop3State} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Net-Pop Rocks' Net.Pop3TransactionState methodsFor: 'commands' delete: message for: connection ^connection sendDeleteMessage: message list: aConnection ^aConnection sendList list: number for: connection ^connection sendList: number retrieveMessage: number for: connection ^connection sendRetrieveMessage: number stat: aConnection ^aConnection sendStat
Some Pop3Client MethodsUsing State
delete: message ^self state delete: message for: self list ^self state list: self list: messageNumber ^self state list: messageNumber for: self quit self disconnect retrieveMessage: number ^self state retrieveMessage: number for: self status ^self state stat: self login self state user: self. self hasPositiveResponse ifFalse: [^false]. self state pass: self. self hasPositiveResponse ifFalse: [^false]. self state: Pop3TransactionState new. ^true
Called By State
sendUser self sendCommand: ('USER <1s>' expandMacrosWith: self user username). self waitForResponse. self hasPositiveResponse ifFalse: [^NetClientError signalWith: #login message: self serverResponse]. sendPassword self sendCommand: ('PASS <1s>' expandMacrosWith: self user password). self waitForResponse. self hasPositiveResponse ifFalse: [^NetClientError signalWith: #login message: self serverResponse].
State Object Analysis
The Interesting Questions
Who does the actual work?
Implementing a State Machine with a Table
Commands |
States |
NoAuth |
HaveUser |
Process |
Invalid |
Quit |
The State Table
Commands |
States |
NoAuth |
HaveUser |
Process |
Invalid |
Quit |
actionUser |
actionNull |
actionNull |
HaveUser |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Quit |
Quit |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Quit |
Quit |
actionNull |
actionPass |
actionNull |
Invalid |
Process |
Invalid |
Quit |
Quit |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Quit |
Quit |
actionNull |
actionNull |
actionList |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Process |
Quit |
Quit |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid? |
Quit |
Quit |
actionNull |
actionNull |
actionRetr |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Process |
Quit |
Quit |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid? |
Quit |
Quit |
actionQuit |
actionQuit |
actionQuit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
Quit |
to process request
State on success
State on failure
Basic Operation
Get request from user
Use current state and new request to find in table operation to perform
Perform the operation
Change state based on table and result of operation
How to place Operation in a Table
Function Pointers in C/C++
void quickSort( int* array, int LowBound, int HighBound) { // source code to sort array from LowBound to HighBound // using quicksort has been removed to save room on page } void mergeSort(int* array, int LowBound, int HighBound) { // same here} void insertionSort(int* array, int LowBound, int HighBound) { // ditto } void main() { void (*sort) (int*, int, int); int size; int data[100]; // pretend data and Size are initialized if (size < 25) sort = insertionSort; else if (size > 100) sort = quickSort; else sort = mergeSort; sort(data, 0, 99); }
SPOP State table: C/C++
In C/C++ we can define the following:
struct { int currentState; char *command; int stateIfSucceed; int stateIfFailed; int (*action)(char **); } actionTable[] = { {0, "USER", 1, 3, actionUser}, {0, "QUIT", 4, 4, actionQuit}, {1, "PASS", 2, 3, actionPass}, {1, "QUIT", 4, 4, actionQuit}, {2, "LIST", 2, 2, actionList}, {2, "RETR", 2, 2, actionList}, {2, "QUIT", 4, 4, actionList}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
Smalltalk - Symbols & Reflection
Direct method execution
3 squared 2 + 3 'A cat in the hat' copyFrom: 3 to: 5
Method execution via reflection
3 perform: #squared 2 perform: #+ with: 3 'A cat in the hat' perform: #copyFrom:to: with: 3 with: 5
The method to execute is an argument of perform:
So store the symbol (#squared) of the method in the table
Function Pointers in Java
Use Reflection
Class.getMethod maps strings to methods
public Method getMethod(String name,Class parameterTypes[]) throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException
Returns a Method object that reflects the specified public member method of the class or interface represented by this Class object. The name parameter is a String specifying the simple name the desired method, and the parameterTypes parameter is an array of Class objects that identify the method's formal parameter types, in declared order.
The method to reflect is located by searching all the member methods of the class or interface represented by this Class object for a public method with the specified name and exactly the same formal parameter types.
Throws: NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found. Throws: SecurityException if access to the information is denied.
Simple Class for Example
class Example { public void getLunch() { System.out.println( "Lunch Time!"); } public void getLunch( String day) { System.out.println( "Lunch Time for " + day); } public void eatOut( String where) { System.out.println( "MacDonalds? "); } public void eatOut( int where) { System.out.println( "PizzaHut? " + where ); } }
Using Class.getMethodSimple Example
import java.lang.reflect.Method; class Test { public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception { Example a = new Example(); Class[] stringType = { Class.forName( "java.lang.String" ) }; Object[] stringParameter = { "Monday" }; Method tryMe; tryMe = a.getClass().getMethod( "getLunch", stringType ); tryMe.invoke( a, stringParameter ); } }
Output Lunch Time for Monday
State Table Analysis