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CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change Spring Semester, 2001 Some Squeak Client-Server |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 19-May-01 |
Squeak Client-Server
When trying to develop client-server applications like Gnutella in Squeak one is led to the Socket class. In the examples in that class one finds sample client code like:
Socket class>>remoteTestClientTCP | socket bytesToSend sendBuf receiveBuf done bytesSent bytesReceived packetsSent packetsReceived t serverName | Transcript show: 'starting client/server TCP test'; cr. Transcript show: 'initializing network ... '. Socket initializeNetworkIfFail: [^Transcript show:'failed']. socket := Socket newTCP. serverName := FillInTheBlank request: 'What is your remote Test Server?' initialAnswer: ''. socket connectTo: (NetNameResolver addressFromString: serverName) port: 54321. socket waitForConnectionUntil: Socket standardDeadline. bytesToSend := 1000000. sendBuf := String new: 4000 withAll: $x. receiveBuf := String new: 50000. done := false. bytesSent := bytesReceived := packetsSent := packetsReceived := 0. t := Time millisecondsToRun: [ [done] whileFalse: [(socket sendDone and: [bytesSent < bytesToSend]) ifTrue: [packetsSent := packetsSent + 1. bytesSent := bytesSent + (socket sendData: sendBuf)]. socket dataAvailable ifTrue: [packetsReceived := packetsReceived + 1. bytesReceived := bytesReceived + (socket receiveDataInto: receiveBuf)]. done := (bytesSent >= bytesToSend)]. [bytesReceived < bytesToSend] whileTrue: [socket dataAvailable ifTrue: [packetsReceived := packetsReceived + 1. bytesReceived := bytesReceived + (socket receiveDataInto: receiveBuf)]]]. socket closeAndDestroy. Transcript show: 'remoteClient TCP test done; time = ', t printString; cr. Transcript show: packetsSent printString, ' packets, ', bytesSent printString, ' bytes sent (', (bytesSent * 1000 // t) printString, ' bytes/sec)'; cr. Transcript show: packetsReceived printString, ' packets, ', bytesReceived printString, ' bytes received (', (bytesReceived * 1000 // t) printString, ' bytes/sec)'; cr.
The above code contains some low-level work with buffers. When developing client-server applications such work has to be done. However, it is a good idea to do this low-level work once and encapsulate it in a class.
Another issue is the disposing of sockets when one is done with them. If they are not disposed of they can interfere with the next socket on that port. This can make debugging very difficult.
SocketStream here is a modified version of the class in Comanche 4.7. The modifications remove dependencies on the http protocol. SocketStream provides stream access to sockets so one does not have to deal with buffers.
You also need BufferStream, which is also modified from Comanche 4.7.
Some Important Methods binary
Writing data to other end of the connection flush
Reading data sent to us These methods read from the data sent from the other end of the connection
Client Example
The following example reads a web page and displays it on the Transcript. Not a complex client but it shows how to use SocketStream.
| socket clientStream crlfcrlf | crlfcrlf := String crlf , String crlf. Socket initializeNetworkIfFail: [^Transcript show:'failed']. [socket := Socket newTCP. socket connectTo: (NetNameResolver addressForName: 'www.eli.sdsu.edu') port: 80. socket waitForConnectionUntil: Socket standardDeadline. clientStream := SocketStream on: socket. clientStream autoFlushOff; nextPutAll: 'GET / HTTP/1.0'; crlf; crlf; flush. Transcript show: 'headers'; cr; show: (clientStream upToAll: crlfcrlf); cr; show: (clientStream upToEnd); cr. clientStream close.] ensure: [socket closeAndDestroy]
Server Example
The following is an example of a server using SocketStream. It implements an echo server for telnet. Start the server, then connect to the server (running on port 54320) with a telnet client. Each line you type is echoed back to you. Closing the connection allows the server to service a second connection. There is more work needed here, but enough for now.
| server socketStream socket | Socket initializeNetworkIfFail: [^Transcript show:'failed']. [server := Socket newTCP. server listenOn: 54320 backlogSize: 4. 2 timesRepeat: [ socket := server waitForAcceptUntil: (Socket deadlineSecs: 60). socketStream := SocketStream on: socket. [socket notNil and: [socketStream isConnected]] whileTrue: [data := socketStream upToAll: String crlf. Transcript show: data; cr. socketStream autoFlushOff; nextPutAll: data; crlf; flush]. socket notNil ifTrue:[socket closeAndDestroy]]] ensure: [server closeAndDestroy].
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2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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