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CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change Spring Semester, 2001 Pluggable Lists & TextViews |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 17-May-01 |
Pluggable List Example
Source Code
Object subclass: #PluggableListExample instanceVariableNames: 'selectedIndex gradeList ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Comment An example of using a PluggableListMorph. Display a list of grades in a list that users can select.
PluggableListMorph needs to know three different methods on its model. The first is the method to get the list to display. The second method is to get the currently selected in the list. The third is the method to call to inform the model that the user has selected a different item in the list.
selectedIndex <integer> the index in gradeList of currently selected grade
gradeList <Array or OrderedCollection of Strings> the grades displayed
Class Methods new ^super new initialize openAsMorph "PluggableListExample openAsMorph" ^self new openAsMorph
Instance Methods
gradeList "return a list to be displayed" ^gradeList gradeListIndex ^selectedIndex gradeListIndex: integer selectedIndex := integer min: gradeList size. "The changed message tells the PluggableListMorph to update itself" self changed: #gradeListIndex. Transcript show: ' You selected: ' , (gradeList at: selectedIndex); cr. initialize selectedIndex := 1. gradeList := #('A' 'A-' 'B+' 'B' 'B-' 'C+' 'C' 'C-' 'D+' 'D' 'D-' 'F').
openAsMorph "PluggableListExample openAsMorph" | window list | window := SystemWindow labelled: 'List'. window model: self. list := PluggableListMorph on: self list: #gradeList selected: #gradeListIndex changeSelected: #gradeListIndex:. window addMorph: list frame: (0@0 extent: 1@1). window openInWorld.
Pluggable List Example Explained
The List
list := PluggableListMorph on: self list: #gradeList selected: #gradeListIndex changeSelected: #gradeListIndex:
The list uses three methods to interact with its model
The Model
The model can send two different arguments in changed: method
Spreadsheet like Views
We wish to display a grid of editable text fields (PluggableTextMorphs)
Solution 1
Solution 1 Different Models
First we need a model for each different value to display
ValueHolder subclass: #ValueModel instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Class Methods
contents: anObject ^super new contents: anObject; yourself
Instance Methods
stringContents ^self contents asString. stringContents: aText "PluggableTextMorph sets results as a Text object convert to number" super contents: aText asString asNumber. self changed: #stringContents. ^true
Note rather than assume the ValueModel holds a number and provide stringContents, stringContents: methods it would be better to provide an adapter between ValueHolder and PluggableTextMorph
Maintains a N by M grid of numbers
Each number is in an ValueModel
All ValueModels are in a Array2D object
Each number is displayed in a different PluggableTextMorph
To open a window:
(ArrayedTextExample width: 4 height: 3) openAsMorph
Object subclass: #ArrayedTextExample instanceVariableNames: 'text2DArray ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Class Methods
width: x height: y ^super new setArrayWidth: x height: y
Instance Methodsinitialize setArrayWidth: x height: y | count value | text2DArray := Array2D width: x height: y. count := 1. text2DArray rowsAndColumnsDo: [:row :column | value := ValueModel contents: count. text2DArray at: column at: row put: value. count := count + 1.]
at: aPoint "Unwrap content from ValueModel" | holder | holder := text2DArray at: aPoint x at: aPoint y. ^holder contents
at: aPoint put: anObject "Wrap value in ValueModel" | holder | holder := text2DArray at: aPoint x at: aPoint y. ^holder contents: anObject
openAsMorph | window textView testViewRectangle | window := SystemWindow labelled: 'Text Array'. window model: self. text2DArray rowsAndColumnsDo: [:row :column | textView := self textViewOnRow: row column: column. testViewRectangle := self rectangleForRow: row column: column. window addMorph: textView frame: testViewRectangle]. window openInWorld.
rectangleForRow: row column: column | width height extent left top | width := 1/text2DArray width. height := 1/text2DArray height. extent := width @ height. left := width * ( column - 1). top := height * (row -1). ^left@ top extent: extent. textViewOnRow: row column: column | model textView | model := text2DArray at: column at: row. textView := PluggableTextMorph on: model text: #stringContents accept: #stringContents:. textView hideScrollBarIndefinitely. ^textView
Solution 2 Same Model
This solution requires more work
PluggableTextMorph must be modified to let the model which view is sending information to the model
PluggableTextMorph subclass: #PluggableArrayedTextMorph instanceVariableNames: 'index ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-Examples'
index is used to store an identifier for the view. It will be an index into the Array2D that holds the models. The name should be changed
Class Methods
on: anObject text: getTextSel accept: setTextSel index: anIntegerOrPoint | textMorph | textMorph :=self new index: anIntegerOrPoint. textMorph on: anObject text: getTextSel accept: setTextSel readSelection: nil menu: nil. textMorph hideScrollBarIndefinitely. ^textMorph
Instance Methodsaccessing index: integerOrPoint index := integerOrPoint
update: aSymbol with: aParameter aParameter = index ifTrue:[self update: aSymbol]
Overridden Methods
The following methods from PluggableTextMorph are modified to inform the one model which morph it is.
getText "Retrieve the current model text" | newText | getTextSelector == nil ifTrue: [^ Text new]. newText _ model perform: getTextSelector with: index. newText ifNil: [^Text new]. ^ newText shallowCopy
accept "Inform the model of text to be accepted, and return true if OK." | textToAccept ok | self canDiscardEdits ifTrue: [^ self flash]. self hasEditingConflicts ifTrue: [(self confirm: 'Caution This method may have been changed elsewhere since you started editing it here. Accept anyway?') ifFalse: [^ self flash]]. textToAccept _ textMorph asText. ok _ (setTextSelector == nil) or: [model perform: setTextSelector with: index with: textToAccept asString]. ok ifTrue: [self setText: self getText. self hasUnacceptedEdits: false. (model dependents detect: [:dep | (dep isKindOf: PluggableTextMorph) and: [dep getTextSelector == #annotation]] ifNone: [nil]) doIfNotNil: [:aPane | model changed: #annotation]]
Start with:
(ArrayedTextExample width: 4 height: 3) openAsMorph
Object subclass: #ArrayedTextExample instanceVariableNames: 'text2DArray ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Class Methods
width: x height: y ^super new setArrayWidth: x height: y
Instance MethodsInitialize
setArrayWidth: x height: y | sampleText | text2DArray := Array2D width: x height: y. sampleText := 1. text2DArray rowsAndColumnsDo: [:row :column | text2DArray at: column at: row put: sampleText asString. sampleText := sampleText + 1.]
at: aPoint ^text2DArray at: aPoint x at: aPoint y
Do not allow any changes on the first row
This is done just to show how it is done
at: aPoint put: anObject "To accept the changes return true, to reject return false" aPoint x = 1 ifTrue: [self changed: #at: with: aPoint. ^false]. text2DArray at: aPoint x at: aPoint y put: anObject. self changed: #at: with: aPoint. ^true
openAsMorph | window textView testViewRectangle | window := SystemWindow labelled: 'Text Array'. window model: self. text2DArray rowsAndColumnsDo: [:row :column | textView := self textViewOnRow: row column: column. testViewRectangle := self rectangleForRow: row column: column. window addMorph: textView frame: testViewRectangle]. window openInWorld.
rectangleForRow: row column: column | width height extent left top | width := 1/text2DArray width. height := 1/text2DArray height. extent := width @ height. left := width * ( column - 1). top := height * (row -1). ^left@ top extent: extent.
textViewOnRow: row column: column ^PluggableArrayedTextMorph on: self text: #at: accept: #at:put: index: ( column @ row).
The above example needs the following method in Object
changed: aSymbol with: aParameter "Receiver changed. The change is denoted by the argument aParameter. Usually the argument is a Symbol that is part of the dependent's change protocol. Inform all of the dependents." self dependents do: [:aDependent | aDependent update: aSymbol with: aParameter]
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2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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