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CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming Spring Semester, 2002 Binary Tree Example |
© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 07-Feb-02 |
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Binary Tree Example
Here is an example of object recursion and Null Object in a binary tree.
First the Java version then the Smalltalk version
Java Version
public interface Node { public Object put( int key, Object value); public Object get( int key); public boolean containsKey(int key ); }
public class BinaryNode implements Node { private int key; private Object value; private Node left; private Node right; public BinaryNode(int key, Object value ) { this.key = key; this.value = value; right = left = new LeafNode(this); } Object privatePut( int newKey, Object newValue) { if (newKey > key) right = new BinaryNode(newKey, newValue); else left = new BinaryNode(newKey, newValue); return null; } public Object put( int newKey, Object newValue) { if (this.key == newKey) { Object oldValue = value; value = newValue; return oldValue; } if (newKey > key) return right.put(newKey, newValue); else return left.put(newKey, newValue); }
BinaryNode Continued
public Object get( int findKey) { if (this.key == findKey) return value; if (findKey > key) return right.get(findKey); else return left.get(findKey); } public boolean containsKey(int findKey ) { if (this.key == findKey) return true; if (findKey > key) return right.containsKey(findKey ); else return left.containsKey(findKey); } public String toString() { return "(" + left + key + right + ")"; } }
public class LeafNode implements Node { private BinaryNode parent; public LeafNode(BinaryNode parent ) { this.parent = parent; } public Object put( int key, Object value) { return parent.privatePut(key, value); } public Object get( int key) { return null; } public boolean containsKey(int key ) { return false; } public String toString() { return ""; } }
import junit.framework.TestCase; public class TestNodes extends TestCase { public TestNodes (String name ) { super(name); } public void testPut() { Node root = new BinaryNode(10, "10"); root.put(5, "5"); root.put(3, "3"); root.put(20, "20"); root.put(6, "6"); root.put(1, "1"); root.put(4, "4"); assert("10", root.containsKey( 10 )); assert("5", root.containsKey( 5 )); assert("3", root.containsKey( 3 )); assert("20", root.containsKey( 20 )); assert("6", root.containsKey( 6 )); assert("1", root.containsKey( 1 )); assert("4", root.containsKey( 4 )); assertEquals("Find -1", root.containsKey( -1), false); } public void testToString() { Node root = new BinaryNode(10, "10"); root.put(5, "5"); root.put(3, "3"); root.put(20, "20"); root.put(6, "6"); root.put(1, "1"); root.put(4, "4"); assertEquals("tostring", root.toString(), "((((1)3(4))5(6))10(20))"); }
public void testGet() { Node root = new BinaryNode(10, "10"); root.put(5, "5"); root.put(3, "3"); root.put(20, "20"); root.put(6, "6"); root.put(1, "1"); root.put(4, "4"); assertEquals("10", root.get( 10 ), "10"); assertEquals("5", root.get( 5 ), "5"); assertEquals("3", root.get( 3 ), "3"); assertEquals("20", root.get( 20 ), "20"); assertEquals("6", root.get( 6 ), "6"); assertEquals("1", root.get( 1 ), "1"); assertEquals("4", root.get( 4 ), "4"); assertEquals("-1", root.get( -1), null); } }
Smalltalk Version
Smalltalk.CS635 defineClass: #BinaryNode superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'key value left right ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Assignment-1&2'
CS635.BinaryNode class methods
key: aKey value: anObject ^super new setKey: aKey value: anObject
CS635.BinaryNode Instance methods
setKey: aKey value: anObject key := aKey. value := anObject. right := left := LeafNode parent: self. at: aKey aKey = key ifTrue:[^value]. aKey < key ifTrue: [^left at: aKey]. aKey > key ifTrue: [^right at: aKey]. at: aKey put: anObject | oldValue | aKey < key ifTrue: [^left at: aKey put: anObject]. aKey > key ifTrue: [^right at: aKey put: anObject]. oldValue := value. value := anObject. ^oldValue
privateAt: aKey put: anObject aKey < key ifTrue: [left := BinaryNode key: aKey value: anObject]. aKey > key ifTrue: [right := BinaryNode key: aKey value: anObject]. ^anObject printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: '('; print: left; print: key; print: right; nextPutAll: ')' includes: aKey aKey = key ifTrue:[^true]. aKey < key ifTrue:[^left includes: aKey]. aKey > key ifTrue:[^right includes: aKey].
Smalltalk.CS635 defineClass: #LeafNode superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'parent ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Assignment-1&2'
CS635.LeafNode class methods
parent: aNode ^super new setParent: aNode setParent: aNode parent := aNode at: aKey self keyNotFoundError: aKey at: aKey put: anObject parent privateAt: aKey put: anObject keyNotFoundError: aKey ^Dictionary keyNotFoundSignal raiseWith: aKey printOn: aStream includes: aKey ^false
Smalltalk.CS635 defineClass: #TestBinaryTree superclass: #{XProgramming.SUnit.TestCase} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Assignment-1&2'
testAdd | root | root := BinaryNode key: 10 value: 10. root at: 5 put: 5; at: 12 put: 12; at: 3 put: 3; at: 6 put: 6; at: 1 put: 1. self assert: (root includes: 5); assert: (root includes: 12); assert: (root includes: 3); assert: (root includes: 6); deny: (root includes: -1); deny: (root includes: 7); deny: (root includes: 200). root := BinaryNode key: 10 value: 10. self assert: (root includes: 10); deny: (root includes: 1); deny: (root includes: 200).
testAt | root | root := BinaryNode key: 10 value: '10'. root at: 5 put: '5'; at: 12 put: '12'; at: 3 put: '3'; at: 6 put: '6'; at: 1 put: '1'. self assert: (root at: 5) = '5'; assert: (root at: 12) = '12'; assert: (root at: 3) = '3'; assert: (root at: 6) = '6'. self should: [root at: -1] raise: KeyedCollection keyNotFoundSignal.
Recursive Implementation
On skinny trees the recursive nature of this code can cause a stack overflow
Unless you have balanced trees (AVL, Red-Black, etc) an iterative solution would avoid the stack overflow
Space Requirements
A complete binary tree with N internal nodes (BinaryNode) has 2N leafs.
The above implementation uses less than 2N LeafNodes by using the same LeafNode object for the left and right subtree of a BinaryNode object. For large N this still may require too much space.
It is possible to use only one LeafNode in a program. The only state in the LeafNode is the parent pointer. One can remove this state by making the parent pointer an argument in the at:put: & put() methods. This requires a different public and private at:put: & put() methods. This can be handled in a BinaryTree class. Doing this makes these methods a bit odd.
In Smalltalk there is a nice trick to using only one LeafNode. Smalltalk have a pseudo variable thisContext that contains information about the sender of a method. This allows a method to determine which object sent the method.
The following shows the changes needed to use a single instance of LeafNode.
Single LeafNode Example
Smalltalk.CS635 defineClass: #LeafNode superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: 'instance ' imports: '' category: 'Assignment-1&2'
CS635.LeafNode class methodsFor: 'instance creation'
instance instance isNil ifTrue:[instance := self new]. ^instance
CS635.LeafNode methods
at: aKey self keyNotFoundError: aKey
at: aKey put: anObject | callingMethod parentNode | callingMethod := thisContext sender. parentNode := callingMethod receiver. parentNode privateAt: aKey put: anObject keyNotFoundError: aKey ^Dictionary keyNotFoundSignal raiseWith: aKey
printOn: aStream
includes: aKey ^false
Changes to the BinaryNode
setKey: aKey value: anObject key := aKey. value := anObject. right := left := LeafNode instance.
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2002 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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