CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects |
Spring Semester, 1998
Basic Client-Server
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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Apr-98
Contents of Doc 3, Basic Client-Server
- Definitions
- Basic Mechanics of Client-Server
- Issues
- Concurrency
- Protocol
- Error Checking
- Logging
- Stateful vs Stateless Servers
CS 580 Lecture Notes at:
Basic Client-Server
Client - one that makes a request of another
Server - the receiver of the request
Client-Server in Objects
class foo
bar server = new bar();
public void makeRequest()
class bar
public String request()
return "The answer is no";
Definitions Continued
Client-Server Programs
- A program on machine A can be a server to program on other machine
Client-Server Machines
- Sometimes the machines running the server (client) program is called the
server (client)
Remote Client-Server Objects
- In distributed objects system an object on one machine can be a server to
an object on another machine
There is no Magic!
For a client to connect to a server program:
- the server program must already running
- the server program must be listening to a port for incoming connections
- the client must know the server host machine and the port the server using
A Java Server
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class JustADemoServer
public static void main(String[] args ) throws Exception
ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket( 0 );
System.out.println("Using port " + acceptor.getLocalPort());
while (true)
Socket client = acceptor.accept();
InputStream rawInput = client.getInputStream();
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( rawInput) );
OutputStream rawOutput = client.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter( rawOutput );
String inputLine = input.readLine().toLowerCase();
if ( inputLine.startsWith("date") )
Date now = new Date();
A Java Client
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;
public class GetDate
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ProgramProperties commandLine =
new ProgramProperties( args);
String host = commandLine.getString( "h" );
int port = commandLine.getInt( "p" );
Socket server = new Socket( host, port);
InputStream rawInput = server.getInputStream();
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( rawInput) );
OutputStream rawOutput = server.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter( rawOutput );
output.println( "Date" );
For those without Client-Server Experience
1. Run JustADemoServer
2. From a different machine telnet to the machine running the server and to the
port the server is using, then type Date followed by a return
From a UNIX machine this can be done with:
- telnet host port
3. Run the GetDate program giving it the proper host and port number, for
- java GetDate -h=rohan.sdsu.edu -p=45232
The JustADemoServer handles only one client at a time
What if:
- A server "long time" to compute the answer for the client
- Many clients connect to the server in a short time
Iterative Server
Handles one request at a time
Use when requests are guaranteed to be completed within a small amount of time.
- Trivial to implement.
- Easy to serialize accesses to a central database.
- Server is locked while dealing with a request. If the request does take
longer than allowed, no other clients can get service.
Concurrent Server
Handles many requests at the same time
Use where the time taken to complete a request cannot be limited.
- Individual client requests can be of any complexity and duration
- Complexity inherent in concurrent processing.
- Set of rules and conventions used by communicating participants
Protocol Requirements
- Well defined ( Protocol can not be vague )
- Complete ( All situation must be addressed )
- Computer program must be able to parse protocol
- Extendible
Protocols are an very important (most important) part of client-server
The protocol used by JustADemoServer is not well defined nor complete
GetDate running on a Mac or PC will not work with a JustADemoServer running on
a UNIX machine
The following client will crash the server
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;
public class GetDate
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ProgramProperties commandLine =
new ProgramProperties( args);
String host = commandLine.getString( "h" );
int port = commandLine.getInt( "p" );
Socket server = new Socket( host, port);
InputStream rawInput = server.getInputStream();
OutputStream rawOutput = server.getOutputStream();
rawInput .close();
rawOutput .close();
How many people use your server?
How will you know if someone is trying to hack into your server?
How will you know what they did?
If something goes wrong in the server how will you know? How will you determine
what went wrong?
How will you know if a particular client program has trouble connecting to your
Servers need to log client access
Who should have access to your server?
What should individual be limited to doing on your server?
If the traffic between client and server secure?
Who validates a user?
Stateless Server:
- Client connects to the server
- Client makes one request
- Server handles request
- Client and server drop connection
Stateful Server
- Client connects to the server
- Client makes one request
- Server handles request
- Client makes another request
- Server handles request
- etc.
- Client and server drop connection when done
- Server needs to remember information about the client while the client is
connected - the state of the connection
- Stateful servers are much more complicated than stateless servers
visitors since 29-Jan-98