SDSU CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects
Spring Semester, 1998
Lecture Notes

To Course Web Site
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 16-May-98

This is where we keep the lecture notes for the CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects course. This page will be updated as more notes become available.

Lecture Notes By Topic

  1. Networks
  2. Java on Rohan - corrected
  3. Basic Client-Server
  4. RMI Intro
  5. Java on Rohan - Just the modified slides
  6. Some RMI API
  7. RMI Parameters
  8. Some Useful RMI Tools (changed Feb 10)
  9. Marshalling & Serialization
  10. Rohan & Moria RMI Problems
  11. RMI Server Methods
  12. RMI Security
  13. Errata HelloServer, Client Remotes, LocalRegistry, Serialization
  14. Java Threads
  15. RMI Stock Watch Example
  16. Some RMI System Architecture
  17. RMI & Web
  18. Some RMI Patterns
  19. CORBA Intro
  21. CORBA IDL, part 2
  22. CORBA IDL, part 3
  23. TIE
  24. Binding and Finding Objects
  25. Using OrbixWeb on Rohan
  26. Naming Service
  27. Naming Service Example
  28. Using Your Own OrbixWeb Daemon
  29. CORBAServices
  30. JavaBean Intro
  31. Bean Examples
  32. JavaBean Events & Properties
  33. Bean Introspection & Customization
  34. Bean Property Editors & Persistence
  35. Internationalization
  36. ActiveX, DCOM, JavaBeans
  37. Shared BeanBox Problem

Audio of the Lectures

The table below contains links to the audio recordings of the lecture given on the date indicated of CS 696. Links to the audio of a lecture will appear sometime before the lecture. The link will not be active until the lecture starts. Any time after the lecture starts you should be able to listen audio by clicking on the date with a link. (Assuming you have installed the RealAudio Player, your connection is 28.8 or better, and there are no technical problems.). You will need a copy of the real audio play on your machine.

Download a free copy of RealAudio Player available for Windows (NT, 95, 3.1), Macintosh, Sun, OS2, Linux, FreeBSD.

Week Tuesday Thursday
1 1/27/98  Intro (Doc 1) 1/29/98  Basic Network & Client-Server (Docs 1,3)
2 2/3/98  Client Server, RMI Intro (Docs 3,4) 2/5/98  RMI Intro (no audio, Doc 4)
3 2/10/98  Misc: RMI, Ports, Registry, Parameters, Marshalling, Serializable Objs. (Docs 10, 8, 4, 6, 7, 9) 2/12/98  Assignment 1 discussion, Marshalling & Serialization (Doc 9)
4 2/17/98  Marshalling & Serialization (Doc 9) 2/19/98  RMI Server Methods (no audio, Doc 11)
5 2/24/98  RMI Server Threads(Doc 11) 2/26/98  Security,Sockets,Threads (Doc 12)
6 3/3/98  Misc, Threads (Doc 13,14) 3/5/98  Threads (Doc 14)
7 3/10/98  RMI Stock Watch Example, RMI System Architecture (Doc 15,16) 3/12/98  RMI Web, RMI Patterns (Docs 17,18)
8 3/17/98  CORBA Intro., CORBA IDL Part 1 (Docs 19,20) 3/19/98  CORBA IDL Parts 1,2 (Docs 20,21)
9 3/24/98  CORBA IDL Parts 2,3 (Docs 21,22) 3/26/98  CORBA IDL Part 3, TIE (Docs 22,23)
10 3/31/98  TIE, Binding & Finding Objects (Docs 23,24) 4/2/98  Binding, Orbix on Rohan (Docs 24,25)
Spring Break 4/7/98  No Lecture 4/9/98  No Lecture
11 4/14/98  Using Rohan Orbix/Your Own Daemon (Docs 25,28 - audio problems) 4/16/98  Naming Service & Example (Docs 26,27)
12 4/21/98  CORBA Services (Doc 28) 4/23/98  CORBA Services, Java Bean Intro. (Docs 29,30)
13 4/28/98  Bean Example (live demo) (Doc 31) 4/30/98  JavaBean Events & Properties (Doc 32)
14 5/5/98   Bean Introspection & Customization  (Doc 33) 5/7/98  Bean Property Editors & Persistence  (Doc 34)
15 5/12/98  Internationalization (Doc 35) 5/14/98  AxtiveX, DCOM (Doc 36)

Visitors since 24-Jan-98