SDSU CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects
Spring Semester, 1998
RMI Parameters

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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Apr-98

Contents of Doc 7, RMI Parameters

  1. References
  2. Parameters
    1. Pass-by-Value (copy) verse Pass-by-Reference
    2. Parameters and Remote Objects
    3. Parameters and RMI
      1. A Simple Example
      2. Trouble in RMI Land - Passing Foo
      3. Parameter Passing in Remote Method Invocation


Java Remote Method Invocation Specification, section 2.6

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 2


Pass-by-Value (copy) verse Pass-by-Reference

public class Foo
   public void method( Object parameter )
      result = parameter.someMethod( echo );

Pass-by-Value (Copy)
A copy of the parameter is made
The method receives and acts on the copy

The method receives a reference to the parameter
The method uses the reference to access the parameter, which is held by the caller

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 3

Parameters and Remote Objects

public class Foo
      extends UnicastRemoteObject
      implements FooRemote
   public void remoteMethod( Object parameter )
      result = parameter.someMethod( echo );

If Foo is a server (remote) object on machine A and

If a client object on machine B calls Foo's remoteMethod

How to handle passing the parameter to the method?

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 4
Option 1 Pass-by-value

Send a copy of the parameter to machine A

This requires sending all of the parameters fields, and the fields of the fields, etc. to machine A

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 5
Option 2 Pass-by-reference

Send a reference of the parameter to machine A

This means that "parameter.someMethod( echo )" results in sending a request to machine B over the network to perform "someMethod" on the parameter

If someMethod( echo ) access "echo" then that results in a request over the network to perform a method call on echo

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 6

Parameters and RMI

In RMI objects that implement the Remote interface are passed by reference

All other parameters are passed by copy

A Simple Example

Client passes a vector to the server,
Server adds a string to the vector
Server returns the vector
package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

import java.util.Vector;

public interface VectorParameter extends java.rmi.Remote 
   public Vector modify( Vector input ) 
      throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 7
The Server
package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.Vector;
import sdsu.rmi.registry.Registrar;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;

public class VectorParameterServer 
      extends UnicastRemoteObject
      implements VectorParameter
   public VectorParameterServer() throws RemoteException {}

   public Vector modify( Vector input ) throws RemoteException 
      input.addElement( "Hi Mom");
      return  input;

   public static String RMI_NAME = "cs696/VectorParameter";
   static String serverClass =
   public static void main(String args[]) throws 
      RemoteException, IOException
      int port = getPort( args );

      String nameList = 
         Registrar.verboseRebind( port, 
                              RMI_NAME, serverClass);
      System.out.println( nameList );
   private static int getPort( String args[] ) throws IOException
      ProgramProperties flags = new ProgramProperties( args );
      int defaultPort = Registry.REGISTRY_PORT;
      int port = flags.getInt( "p", defaultPort );

      return port; 

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 8
The Client
package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.Vector;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;

public class VectorParameterClient 
   public static void main(String args[]) 
         String serverLabel = 
         String server = getServerURL( args, serverLabel );
         VectorParameter remote = 
            (VectorParameter) Naming.lookup( server );
         Vector data = new Vector();
         Vector remoteData = remote.modify( data );
         System.out.println( "remote " + remoteData);
         System.out.println( "local " + data);
         if ( data == remoteData )
            System.out.println( "equal" );
            System.out.println( "not equal" );
      catch ( Exception error) 
         {  error.printStackTrace(); }

   private static String getServerURL( String args[], 
                                    String serverLabel ) 
                                    throws IOException
      String hostKey = "h";
      String portKey = "p";
      ProgramProperties flags = new ProgramProperties( args );
      String host = null;
      if ( flags.containsKey( hostKey ) )
         host = flags.getString( hostKey );
         System.out.println( "Missing flag " + hostKey );
         System.exit( 0 );
      int defaultPort = Registry.REGISTRY_PORT;
      int port = flags.getInt( portKey, defaultPort );
      return "rmi://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + serverLabel;

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 9
The Output of the Client

remote [Hi Mom]
local []
not equal

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 10

Trouble in RMI Land - Passing Foo

package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

public class Foo
   String name = "Roger";
Remote Interface
package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

public interface ParameterTrouble extends java.rmi.Remote 
   public void tryMe( Foo input ) throws 

package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import sdsu.rmi.registry.Registrar;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;

public class ParameterTroubleServer 
      extends UnicastRemoteObject
      implements ParameterTrouble
   public ParameterTroubleServer() throws RemoteException {}

   public void tryMe( Foo input ) throws RemoteException 

   public static String RMI_NAME = "cs696/ParameterTrouble";
   static String serverClass =
   public static void main(String args[]) throws RemoteException, IOException
      int port = getPort( args );

      String nameList = Registrar.verboseRebind( port, RMI_NAME, serverClass);
      System.out.println( nameList );
   private static int getPort( String args[] ) throws IOException
      ProgramProperties flags = new ProgramProperties( args );
      int defaultPort = Registry.REGISTRY_PORT;
      int port = flags.getInt( "p", defaultPort );

      return port; 

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 11
Passing Foo Client
package whitney.rmi.examples.basic;

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;

public class ParameterTroubleClient 
   public static void main(String args[]) 
         String serverLabel = 
         String server = getServerURL( args, serverLabel );
         ParameterTrouble remote = 
            (ParameterTrouble) Naming.lookup( server );
         remote.tryMe( new Foo() );
      catch ( Exception error) 
   private static String getServerURL( String args[], String serverLabel ) throws IOException
      String hostKey = "h";
      String portKey = "p";
      ProgramProperties flags = new ProgramProperties( args );
      String host = null;
      if ( flags.containsKey( hostKey ) )
         host = flags.getString( hostKey );
         System.out.println( "Missing flag " + hostKey );
         System.exit( 0 );
      int defaultPort = Registry.REGISTRY_PORT;
      int port = flags.getInt( portKey, defaultPort );
      return "rmi://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + serverLabel;
java.rmi.MarshalException: Error marshaling arguments; nested exception is: whitney.rmi.examples.basic.Foo
        at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
        at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled Code)
        at<init>(Compiled Code)
        at java.rmi.RemoteException.<init>(Compiled Code)
        at java.rmi.MarshalException.<init>(Compiled Code)
        at whitney.rmi.examples.basic.ParameterTroubleServer_Stub.tryMe(Compiled
        at whitney.rmi.examples.basic.ParameterTroubleClient.main(Compiled Code)

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 12

Parameter Passing in Remote Method Invocation

An argument to, or a return value from, a remote object can be any Java type that is serializable

An argument to, or a return value, a remote object can also be a remote object, but the declared type must be a Remote interface

Note, the remote object may return an implementation of a remote object, but only stub is received

Doc 7, RMI Parameters Slide # 13
Remote Example
The Interface
public interface RemoteParameter extends java.rmi.Remote 
   public RemoteParameter itWorks( ) throws

The Client (parts missing)
public class RemoteParameterClient 
   public static void main(String args[]) 
         String serverLabel = 
         String server = getServerURL( args, serverLabel );
         RemoteParameter remote = 
            (RemoteParameter) Naming.lookup( server );
         RemoteParameter   aReference = remote.itWorks( );
         System.out.println( "It Works");
         } catch ( Exception error) {}

The Server (parts missing)
public class RemoteParameterServer 
      extends UnicastRemoteObject
      implements RemoteParameter
   public RemoteParameter itWorks( ) throws RemoteException 
      return this;

visitors since 05-Feb-98