SDSU CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects
Spring Semester, 1998
Using OrbixWeb on Rohan

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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Apr-98

Contents of Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan

  1. References
  2. Settings
  3. Example
    1. IDL
    2. Programmer Created Classes
    3. The steps
  4. Notes for Rohan
  5. Other Commands
  6. Implementation Repository (IR)


OrbixWeb Programmer's Guide, IONA Technologies PLC, November 1997, various chapters

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 2


To your classpath add:

Make the following changes in your environment (.cshrc etc.)
setenv ORBIXWEB_HOME /opt/OrbixWeb3.0
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORBIXWEB_HOME/bin::/usr/local/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/ucblib:/usr/dt/lib
set path = ($ORBIXWEB_HOME/bin $path)
if (${?MANPATH} == 1) then

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 3



interface Greeter
   string name();

Programmer Created Classes

class InheritedGreeter extends _GreeterImplBase
   protected String name;
   public InheritedGreeter( String name)
      { = name;
   public String name() { return name;}
class TieGreeter implements _GreeterOperations
   protected String name;
   public TieGreeter( String name)
      { = name;
   public String name()  { return name;}

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 4
import IE.Iona.OrbixWeb._CORBA;
import IE.Iona.OrbixWeb.CORBA.ORB;

public class GreeterServer {
   public static void main (String args[]) {
      org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb =
      Greeter upTown = null;
      Greeter mountain = null;
      try {
         upTown = 
            new _tie_Greeter( new TieGreeter( "Upton"), "up");

         mountain = new InheritedGreeter( "Mike", "high");

         _CORBA.Orbix.impl_is_ready( "WhitneyTest" );
         System.out.println("Server going Down");
      catch ( org.omg.CORBA.SystemException corbaError) {
         System.out.println("Exception " + corbaError);

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 5
import IE.Iona.OrbixWeb._CORBA;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;

public class GreeterClient
   public static void main(String args[])
      String hostname = "";
      Greeter serverObject;
      serverObject = GreeterHelper.bind(  ":WhitneyTest", 
      System.out.println(  ":WhitneyTest\n" + 
      serverObject = GreeterHelper.bind( "up:WhitneyTest", 
      System.out.println( "up:WhitneyTest\n" + 

      serverObject = GreeterHelper.bind( "high:WhitneyTest", 
      System.out.println( "high:WhitneyTest\n" + 

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 6

The steps

1. Compile the idl
idl Greeter.idl

2. Place the implementation files from above into the java_output directory created from above

3. Compile the classes in java_output
javac *.java

4. Register the server
putit WhitneyTest -j -addpath /home/ma/whitney/languages/java/whitney/corba/examples/firstExample/java_output GreeterServer

Note the command format is:
putit ServeName -j -addpath paths_to_add_to_the_classpath_for_the_server  ServerClass

5. Run the server
java GreeterServer

6. Run the client
java GreeterClient

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 7

Notes for Rohan

1. The OrbixWeb daemon is already running
There is no need to start it

2. You need to add the proper classpath to your code via the -addpath flag

3. The name service is running

4. prepend your name or userid to your server names to avoid name clashes

5. Your .class files must be world readable before OrbixWeb will activate your servers for you (I still have some trouble with activation on rohan)
General Notes

X = 0 -> no debug output
X = 1 -> just connections made
X = 2 -> useful debug level
X = 3 -> highest level

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 8

Other Commands

catit ServerName
Lists the Implementation Repository (IR) of the server

killit ServerName
Kills the running server

Lists all items in the IR

Pings the OrbixWeb daemon

Lists all server processes currently active

rmit ServerName
Removes an item from the IR

Doc 25, Using OrbixWeb on Rohan Slide # 9

Implementation Repository (IR)

For each registered server (via putit) there is one file in the IR that contains information about the server

This information is used to restart the server if it is down when a client requests it

Located in /opt/OrbixWeb/config/Repository

While Orbix (via orbixd) supports subdirectories in the IR, OrbixWeb (orbixdj) does not support subdirectories at this time
Name           : WhitneyTest
Comms          : xdr/tcp
Activation     : shared
Owner          : whitney
Launch         : ;
Invoke         : ;
ImpRep Version : 2
no. of servers : 1
server's port  : 0

     Marker          Launch Command

     *               ###ORBIXWEB### -addpath /home/ma/whitney/languages/java/whitney/corba/examples/firstExample/java_output GreeterServer

visitors since 31-Mar-98